Concluding Message
Bradley & Leboyer methods both have the capacity to improve birthing experiences through preventative and environmental perspectives.
Nada Yoga
Work Cited
- Antipuesto, D. j. (2010, November 3). Leboyer Childbirth Method. In Nursing Crib. Retrieved September 18, 2018.
- Conley, O. (2010, June 20). Birth Without Violence 1975 . In The Embryo Project Encyclopedia . Retrieved September 18, 2018.
- Griffin, K., Goodson, C., Griffin, S., Rebelle, T., & Stafford, B. (2016, November 17). Bradley Method Pros and Cons. In Kopabirth. Retrieved September 18, 2018.
- June 2013 Birth Club. (2013, January 15). Pros and Cons of Bradley method. In Baby Center . Retrieved September 18, 2018.
- Varner, C. A. (2015). Comparison of the Bradley Method and HypnoBirthing Childbirth Education Classes. The Journal of Perinatal Education, 24(2), 128–136.
Bradley and Leboyer Birthing Methods
Adelyn H., Chrissy H. & Marisol P.
"Birth Without Violence" (1975)
Definition: Birthing method that decreases trauma for the newborn by creating a serene environment in the birth room
Frederick Leboyer (obstetrician) described child birth as poetic. He suggested that negative birthing experiences were the result of the transition from the womb to the outside world. He argued that as the newborn comes into the world the sound, sight, and touch the newborn experiences is vastly different than in the womb and this creates trauma. He was a proponent of creating a calm environment in order to prevent trauma at birth.
His work promoted a more sensitive birthing method.
Pros +
Cons -
- Minimizes trauma
- Allows baby to not be rushed by immediate medical interventions (i.e. umbilical not cut right after birth)
- Baby is massaged (by mother) to allow mother-baby bonding
- Baby placed on mother's abdomen to allow further bonding experience
- Baby placed in warm bath to increase relaxation
- Calm music is played (Shivani) to increase relaxation (
- No treatment for labor pain except deep breathing during labor
- Neonatologists question warm bath due to reduced respiration and high level of acidosis to occur
- Delayed cutting of umbilical cord can lead to excess red blood cells in the circulatory system->extra blood viscosity -> increased risk of jaundice
Definition: This method embraces childbirth as a natural process involving preparation to help women avoid need for pain medication and routine interventions.
Dr. Bradley was an OBGYN and developed this method in 1947 as a rejection to artificial intervention during births in hospitals. Bradley believed we could return to a birthing method that was without fear. He believed that with proper education, preparation and coaching, women could give birth naturally.
Conditions of labor are essential. Darkness, solitude and quiet for the laboring mother. Relief of physical discomfort during active early labor, controlled breathing, and most importantly a supportive coach/husband/partner.
Antipuesto, D. j. (2010, November 3). Leboyer Childbirth Method. In Nursing Crib. Retrieved September 18, 2018.
- Minimizes trauma
- Encourages partner to be an active coach on day of labor
- Intimate sized classes of 8 couples or less
- Bradley classes teach nutrition, exercise and relaxation techniques
- More relaxed birthing environment
- Bonding experience between mother and newborn
Pros +
Cons -
- Classes are time consuming and expensive
- Students risk feeling like they have failed if no natural birth occurs
- Classes have a reputation for instilling a distrust toward healthcare professionals
- False expectations of a painless birth
- Very specific to low-risk mothers
- Specific on partnered birthing experience leaves out single mothers