Eco Holism
Eco-holism or Ecological extension emphasises not the rights of humans but sees the environment as a whole entity. The world has intrinsic value.
The most popular view on this is James Lovelock's Gaia Hypothesis
The Gaia Hypothesis challenges the anthropomorphic centred environment and incorporates humans as a part of the living whole - Gaia
Climate Change
Lovelock is more pessimistic as we are reluctanct to confront the issue. The planet may not be able to recover. Gaia might begin to die and thus he is an advocate for green power and nuclear power.
All life is dependant on other life - it is also true to say that the characteristics of the in-organic world owe much to life on the planet
The earth...
is a unified, holistic living entity with ethical worth, and in the long run, homosapiens have no particular significance. All living organisms on Earth are interdependent.
All the forms of the planet are a part of Gaia
Looking at Earth from space, Lovelock saw not so much a planet of individual life forms but a planet transformed by the self-regulating living system
He saw that the living earth was not on a small scale.....
But the living earth was much larger
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Life is dependant
on everything. According to Lovelock the "Earth may be alive"
Photo credits: 'horizon' by pierreyves @ flickr