By: Cath Crowley
Cath Crowley grew up in rural Victoria, Australia. she studied professional writing and editing at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and works both a freelance writer and a part time teacher in Melbourne.
in Australia, Graffiti Moon won the Prime Minister's Literary Award for Young Adult Fiction and the Ethel Turner Prize for Young People's Literature, and it was short - Listed for the Victorian Premier's Literary Award and the children's Book Council of Australia Book of the Year Award.
- Lucy
- Ed (Shadow)
- Leo (Poet)
- Jazz
- Daisy
- Dylan
The main idea of the story is Lucy has been searching for this graffiti artist who goes by the name shadow. every time she tries to meet him he is gone but leaves behind his art work. There are two artist Shadow & Poet. Shadow paints the piece and Poet writes the words to go along with it.