Cross-Cultural Theory
What is it?
combining, pertaining to, or contrasting two or more cultures or cultural groups: cross-cultural studies; cross-cultural communication
or....interacting with and/or comparing two or more cultures and understanding their values, beliefs and norms.
Breaking it down...
- Experienced by everyone
- Employee who is transferred to a location in another country
- A person who visits/moves another country
- Someone who moves to different part of the country
- Very important in business
- depends on smooth interaction of employees from different cultures and regions
What to remember...
- Culture impacts how social and professional behaviors are interpreted
- Cross culture is also body language and body contact
Cross-Cultural Communication
Cross-cultural communication is a field of study that looks at how people from differing cultural backgrounds communicate, in similar and different ways among themselves, and how they endeavor to communicate across cultures.
Strategies for Effective Cross-Cultural Communication
Six principles to Cross-Cultural Communication
What not to do...
- Less knowledge or less understanding about a culture, broader the differences are
- i.e. Communication between the two will be more difficult
- Cultural differences and understandings cause breakdowns in communication
- Communicating inter-culturally
- become more aware of own communication processes
- Acceptable behaviors or do's and dont's vary across cultures
- i.e. Some take following formal rules more seriously
- Other cultures understandings or normalcy can be different from your own
- The way your communicate with differing cultures is affected by your view of them
A further look into Cross-Cultural Communication
- Language differences, high-context vs. low-context cultures, and nonverbal differences are major factors that can affect cross-cultural communication.
Language Differences
Nonverbal Difference
- Gestures and eye contact are used differently in various cultures
- Biggest barrier to effective cross-cultural communication
- In America waving of the hand and using a figure to point is a form of giving nonverbal directions
- Some cultures find extreme gestures rude
- Rely on facial expressions, emotions, nonverbal cues or an interpreter
- Eye contact in America is recommend and seen as being honest and straightforward
- Asian and Middle Eastern Cultures see prolonged eye contact as rude and aggressive
- Women should avoid eye contact as it can be viewed as a sign of sexual interest
High-context vs. Low-context Culture
- relates to how someones thoughts, opinions, feelings, and upbringing affect how they act within a given culture
- High-Context Cultures (Middle East, Asia, and Africa)
- trust is most important
- collectivist and focus on interpersonal relationships
- Low-Context Cultures (North America and Western Europe)
- direct and individualistic
- decisions are based on facts