Glass and Plate of Apples
Human Condition
Similarities: Similar color palette
Differences: simple, attachment to ''homely, everyday objects''
Still life with a Violin and a Pitcher by Braque relates to the human condition that life is just life and you have to make the best of what you have. There is only a flat surface contrived by the artist to give the illusion of space and depth to the art piece just like it is up to yourself to create things in your life and make it worth more than what it appears to be. You are the owner of your life and it's up to you to take apart the world and reassemble it in anyway you like.
Bottle and Fishes
Similarities: Cubism, oil on canvas, same perspective
Differences: No music involvement, harder to recognize
Man with a Guitar
Darcy Lor
Senior Humanities
13 February 2016
Similarities: Cubism, oil on canvas, involvement of music, same perspective
Differences: Guitar, harder to recognize
- there is only a flat surface contrived by the artist to give the illusion of space and depth
- depicted the nail at the top of the canvas in an illusionistic manner
- The segmented parts of the violin, the sheets of music, and the artist's palette are vertically arranged
- the nail is not in the same space as the pitcher and violin
- imagine you could reach behind the violin or between it and the pitcher
- That nail is Braque laughing. He’s saying, “Gotcha!” You got caught up in the illusion that the canvas is a window. And it’s not. It’s a playspace for a very clever artist.“Oops!” he says, “I did it again!” and that's Cubism
Still life with Violin and a Pitcher
- Georges Barque
- Cubism
- Oil on canvas
- Kunstmuseum Basel, Switzerland
- Price -unknown
- Commissioned-unknown
Georges Braque
- 13 May 1882 in Argenteuil, France – 31 August 1963 in Paris
- He spent his childhood in Le Havre and planned to follow in the footsteps of his father and grandfather by becoming a house painter.
- Braque studied painting at the École des Beaux-Arts
- started his art career using an Impressionistic painting style, then he transitioned into a Fauvist style
- 20th century French painter who invented Cubism with Pablo Picasso , most works were indistinguishable
- 20th-century French painter, collagist, draughtsman, printmaker and sculptor
- focused on still life and means of viewing objects from various perspectives through color, line, and texture
- World War II influenced Braque to paint more somber scenes. After the war, he painted lighter subjects of birds, landscapes and the sea. Braque also created lithographs, sculptures and stained-glass windows