Under the Articles of Confederation there were no..
An invention created to separate cotton from the cotton seed.....
How many Cherokee died during the Trail of Tears?
Andrew Jackson wanted the Cherokee Indians removed from Georgia land....
Name one person from Georgia who signed the U.S. Constitution.....
C. 4 thousand
C. Bicameral Government
A. 7 million
A. Executive Branch
A. Cotton Gin
a. Alec Baldwin
C. Abraham Baldwin
C. Bicycle
B. 200
D. 50 thousand
b. William McIntosh
d. George Washington
Georgia Studies Review
How many do you know?
B. No Court System
D. All of the above
B. Airplane
D. George Foreman Grill
The Georgia capital was once located in Carnesville, Ga.
What form of transportation made it easier for Georgians to travel and to get their goods to market?
This system of granting land was based
on the size of one's household including slaves
and servants......
The Cotton Gin (Eli Whitney) and the Mechanical Reaper (Cyrus McCormick) affected Georgia farmers in what way?
Georgia ratified the Constitution because they wanted a strong central Government.....
A. Headright system
A. Goats
C. Four Wheel Drive buggies
A. Gave farmers more leisure time
B. Yazoo Land Fraud
C. Allowed farmers to work larger farms
B. Electric Motor
D. Train/Railroad System
C. Monopoly
B. Decreased the need for slaves
Atlanta was called Terminus because...
D. No Change
What was the name of the newspaper the Cherokee published?
The Trail of Tears moved the Cherokee Indians from their land in Georgia.......
D. Land Lottery
C. Named after
Henry Terminator
A. It sounded cool, like a
D. All of the above
The train made it easier for Georgians by .......
B. A majority of railroads went through the city
What was the name of the location of the Cherokee
William Few signed the Treaty of New Echota......
The University of Georgia was...
A. Allowing their children to ride Thomas the Tank Engine
If a person won land, they could buy it for pennies an acre......
A. Franklin County
C. New Echota
C. Allowing them to crush pennies
C. Headright system
A. Yazoo Land Fraud
A. The party University of
the south.....
C. Failed after the first
B. Making travel easier and faster
B. New England
D. New Jersey
D. Selling coal to the train conductors
B. The game of life
D. A school for only farmers
D. Land Lottery
B. a land grant University.
Georgia was which state to ratify the Constitution?
He was a Creek leader who refused to sell any land to Georgia, but signed the Treaty of New York....
Who was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court that ruled that Cherokee land was not subject to state law?
A. 3rd
Who wrote the Cherokee Syllabary
C. John Marshall
A. Marshall Dillon
B. 12th
Where was the Continental Congress
held in 1787?
A. John Ross
C. Alexander McGillivray
The Cherokees traveled 700 to 800 miles on what?
C. 50th
D. Henry Ford
B. Richard Nixon
D. 4th
B. George Washington
D. Robert E. Lee
C. Mrs. Ginn
A. Coach Gaines
The Fourth state to ratify the Constitution was....
How did Andrew Jackson affect the Cherokee?
B. Mr. Callahan
D. Sequoyah
A. Passed the Indian Removal Act
B. He helped build New Echota
He was killed for his decision to sell Creek land in Georgia without the approval of the Creek Nation..
The purpose of the Constitutional Convention was to....
What discovery led to the final Indian removal?
A. John Marshall
C. Andrew Jackson
A. Internet
C. Silver in North Georgia
I can pass the test tomorrow........
Why was the capital of Georgia moved to Louisville?
A. Elect a new mascot
An Illegal act committed by 4 land companies, and Georgia lost land west of the Chattahoochee..
C. revise the Articles of Confederation
B. William McIntosh
D. Sequoyah
A. People had a hard time spelling Savannah
D. To have a big party
B. Review the war with Britain
B. Land Lotteries
D. Gold in Dahlonega
B. More land
Corrupt land businesses illegally bought and sold land
Eli Whitney invented the Cotton Gin........
C. To be in the center of population and Georgia
A. Land Lottery
D. Because of the sand gnats
C. Headright System
B. Watergate Scandal
The first written plan of government for the U.S. was called the
Another Cherokee who suffered the same fate as William McIntosh?
D. Yazoo Land Fraud
The Great Compromise was introduced in order to...
John Ross was ....
C. Andrew Jackson
A. Declaration of Independence
C. Yazoo Land Fraud
A. Major Ridge
A Bicameral government means..
A. Decide which is better, Coke or
B. John Ross
D. William Few
B. U.S. Constitution
C. give equal representation to both large and small states
A. The senate can ride bicycles
Are there any Questions about the test on Thursday?
Now is the time to ask.......
D. Articles of Confederation
A. a Cherokee Chief
B. To allow the Cherokee to stay
on Georgia land.
C. a well educated man
D. Peace treaty between
England and France
The Cotton Gin increased the population of Georgia by........
True or False
The University of Georgia was a Land Grant University....
B. The house can
have 2 votes
B. against the removal of the Cherokee
D. All of the above
A. Producing more apples
C. Increasing slavery, more farmers moved to the area
B. It did not increase
D. Making it easier to pick cotton