Dolly The Sheep
Cloning Process:
Dolly: The cloning of the sheep
- Dolly was genetic copy of the Finn Dorses.
- Dolly the Sheep was succesfully cloned by a Scottish Scientist.
- Before cloning Dolly it said that they took 227 attempts to clone Dolly.
- & Dolly was clone as part of a research into producing medicines in the milk of farm animals.
Dolly was clone by using the process of nuclear transfer
For exp: They took some blood from her and then developed in artificially so that it becomes a new sheep that was an exact copy of her.
Info about Dolly
My topic is gonna be about the " Dolly the Sheep" who become the first mammal to be cloned from an adult DNA.
- Was a domestic female sheep
- Born in July 5th 1996
- Had a baby lamb name Bonnie then another 4 labs arrives and their name is Sally, Rosie,Lucy, Darcy and Cotton.
- Had a lung diseases and it was said to be causes by her cells becoming too old.
- Died when she was only 6 years old even though sheep like her could lived for 12 years but she didnt, due to her diseases.
This was Dolly's first new born lamb name Bonnie
- This pictore was taken when " Dolly the Sheep" was announce to be the first mammal to be clone from an adult cell since then " Dolly the Sheep " become the headline.
Death of Dolly
After knowing Dolly the Sheep had developed a progressive lung diseases she was put down to rest.
Her death is will refuel the intense debate over the health and life expectancy of clones animals:
After Dollly Death, there was a exhibit for her at the National Museum of Scotland