Capital Punishment in the United States of America
By Louis Totton
What I Learnt!
- How to manage and organise my time effectively
- How to reference sources properly
- Scanning quickly and effectively through long articles
- In hindsight I would have chosen a more focused title
- Could have explored more factors within a particular reason for abolishment
- A problem was some states have abolished the death penalty for more than one reason
- Another was the time period over which states have abolished the death penalty
- There were significant disparities with the race of the victim
- Prosecutors more likely to seek the death penalty for white victims
- White-victim cases more likely to receive death sentences
- Not as many disparities with the race of the defendant
- Does the presence of the death penalty deter people from committing murders?
- Generally when committing a murder, people are overwhelmed by their emotions e.g hate, anger
- The very real possibility of someone being sentenced to death for a crime they didn't commit
- By the time the state has realised the prisoner is innocent, he/she will often have spent nearly half their life on death row
- Also the possibility of someone being executed for a crime they didn't commit
The Essay
- "Using certain states as examples, evaluate whether some of the reasons why states in the USA have abolished the Death Penalty apply to other States who have kept it"
- Cost of the death penalty
How I Researched My Project
Cost of the Death Penalty
- Mainly internet based research
- Newspaper and magazine articles
- Sentencing someone to death is more expensive than keeping them in prison for the rest of their life
- The legal procedures for a death penalty case is much more elaborate and consequently expensive
- Careful to use sources from established publishers
- Cross-referenced the information across different publishers to check for accuracy
- Even if no sentences are being handed down, having a death penalty system in place is still costing the state taxpayer a huge amount of money
- Didn't use sources from anti-death penalty organisations - too opinionated
Why this Topic?
- A topic with many different arguments
Planning My Project
- Gain a greater knowledge of the system of law in the United States
- Decided not to do an ethics-based project
- Initially planned to include other death penalty countries around the world
- Gain a greater insight into the system of the death penalty
- Then decided to research why certain states abolished the death penalty
- The uniqueness of the United States
- And consequently find the major faults in the death penalty systems of the USA
- Then comparing with states who have kept capital punishment
- To conclude whether the states have convincing reasons for keeping the death penalty