Stop Bullying Calendar
Friday the 29th
One last get together to have fun and share memories.
Everyone will receive a pamphlet of information for each individual to be able to spread awareness and knowledge.
Friday the 22nd
Bake Sell! Part:1 (:
Get all volunteers together to bake bake bake!
Baked good shall be prepared on this day and decorated to sell.
Saturday the 23rd
Bake Sale!!!!!
All Bake Sale money and donations will be donated to STOMP out Bullying organizations.
Friday the 15th
Bee Positive!!
Wear little Bee wings and antennas. Anyone you meet will be blessed with your positivity and kind words. Ask anyone and everyone how they're doing and give a POSITIVE response to any advice they need.
Friday the 8th
Encouragement Day
Mix-Match Wacky Day
Wear silly articles of clothing and make everyone else feel cute by sharing a compliment with anyone you encounter.
Friday the 1st
Preparation and Decoration!!
Gather all your friends and volunteers to make Anti-Bullying posters to post all around the school (flyers around the community)