"It is easy for everyone to find, understand and use geospatial data."
Goal 7: The NSDI stakeholders (providers and consumers) are cooperating through partnerships and other types of agreements
- Establish cooperation among independent data providers.
- Development of national data standards.
The maintenance of daily operations of shared resources such as the national geoportal are also part of the strategy.
- Signing of a cooperation agreement
- Meetings of the NIPP Council
- Meetings of the NIPP Committee
- Making an annual report on the establishment, maintenance and development of NSDI for Government of RoC
Goal 6: It is clearly shown that the NSDI support other important policies and programs at the national and international levels
- Include missing data sets
- INSPIRE workshop for management level
- Workshop on meeting the obligations under the INSPIRE directive
- Update geoportal with metadata
- Technical Workshops on Providing Network Services
- Ensuring NSDI presence in e-Croatia committees
- Increase of e-Croatia in NSDI working groups
Compliance and harmonization with the national programs related to NSDI:
- E-Governmental program.
- Other tematic programs (enviroment, urban plannining, etc).
NSDI Strategy
Goal 5: There are sufficient operational capabilities available for an effective and efficient development and use of the NSDI.
- Develop guidelines for the introduction of SDI in the curriculum
- Implementation of 3 training courses for specialists in spatial data
- Preparation and submission of 2 requests for EU structural funds
- Provision of financial resources for the fulfillment of the NSDI obligations on the subjects' side
- Co-ordination with e-Croatia program on investment in IT infrastructure
- Competence and financial resources.
- Build up competences by providing academic programs to university students and professional training to existing professionals.
- Usage of EU structural funds should be addressed as well as other Croatian development funds.
Goal 4: The use of the NSDI is governed by appropriate rules and policies
- Analysis of changes of EU regulations related to INSPIRE
- Follow-up of other European legislation
- Monitoring of policy development in the environmental sector
- Monitoring Open Data Policy Development
- Feedback mechanism via the NSDI web site
NSDI act already in place
- Some users are outside Croatia.
- These rules and policies must be harmonized with European principles.
Goal 3: The conditions and fees for using spatial data are easy to understand.
- Develop unified licensing models (including copyright) based on open license models.
- Simple structures and procedures of fees and payments.
- The development of pricing models.
- Licensing Workshop
- Evaluation of CC licenses
- Prepare the proposal for a fee structure
- Creating User Satisfaction for Fees and Terms of Use
- Implementation of User Satisfaction Testing
Tomislav Ciceli
Goal 2: Spatial data and services are available and they meet the user’s needs
Our mission is to establish an infrastructure which provides geospatial data through standardized network services to authorities, business entities, organizations and citizens.
- To have efficient and effective services, international technical standards and well accepted industry technical standards are used.
- Metadata describing the data sets and services must be easily understood.
- Workshop for Local Government
- Guidelines for viewing and download services through low-level network standards
- Customer satisfaction surveys
- New metadata
- New view Services
- New download Services
Goal 1: The NSDI and its benefits are known.
- Create a communication plan
- Organize an annual conference
- 7 NSDI subjects will describe the benefits of NSDI
- Appoint local promoters
- Update awareness materials
- Organize 3 regional workshops
- Guidelines for Business Model
- Questionnaires for assessing the benefits of NSDI for users
- Stakeholders are identifying and describing their own benefits.
- Benefits are communicated.
- Awareness actions targeting important stakeholders.
- Marketing and communication plan.
TAIEX study visit
Republic of Moldova
However beautiful the strategy , you should occasionally look at the results.