Animal cases:
The stick for a dog
Human cases:
The chair
Search images and tones
These constructions
are intentions
(Feeding Tone,
Sitting Tone etc.)
Simple and complex Umwelten
First principle of Umwelt theory
Simple Umwelten = "single functional circle" - the same receptor cue is always beaten by the same effector cue
Form and motion = Complex Umwelten
Phenomena of deformation of objective world.
- Tones are how the objective world appears
- Images are the mental construction of this appearance.
Factors that influence the formation of meaning
Plan in the living world
Meaning = central
Every behaviour: OBJECT > perceptual cue ... effector cue > OBJECT functional circle connects the meaning-carrier with the subject
Our Objectives
Uexkull's terminology
Animals with eyes have access to the Plans.
Physical objects do not suffer perspective deformations.
Visual capabilities determine what is inside or outside the animal’s plan, in Umwelt.
When a dog runs, the animal moves its legs; when a sea urchin runs, the legs move the animal
Effector cue/meaning extinguishes receptor cue/meaning
"reflex" animal
"reflex" person
"reflex" republic
Neutral object becomes meaning-carrier as it enters relation with subject
Action = perception >>> operation
Subject imprints meaning on object
Object = subject-related meaning-carrier
Receptor image fused with the effector image / functional tone / meaning
Meaning tied changing organs to a changing medium
Impulse (meaning or information) + meaning-carrier
= sign
= command for receiver
NOT causality but PLAN
Farthest Plane
- define simple and complex Umwelten
- explain the Uexküll's idea of plan in the living world
- give the meaning of search images and tones
- outline factors that influence the formation of meaning
- identify the same object in the Umwelten of different organisms
Differently from tactile experience,
visual experience allows the existence
of the farthest plane.
Perceiving the objects at distance.
Having two eyes to cross information of distance
Human Eyes can
perceive a candle
48km away
Most distant object is Andromeda galaxy 2.6 million light years away – The dependency of Time on sight
Animals as closed within soap bubbles of visual perception
The same object in the Umwelten of different organisms
Further discussion
soap bubble
Umwelt theory: key topics
Subject's perceptual images of the object correspond to their different functional tones
Each Umwelt utilises part of the object that has suitable bearers for receptor and effector cues required for individual functional cycles
From one Umwelt to another, each object changes its meaning-quality as well as the structure of all its material and formal properties
1.What differentiates simple Umwelten from complex Umwelten?
2. What role does space and time play in this differentiation?
3. Why does Uexküll prefer the idea of a 'plan' to a 'goal'?
4. What kinds of plans does he introduce and what does he mean with each one?
5. What's the difference between a search image and a search tone?
6. How does the search image come about/develop?
7. Describe the process of the formation of meaning and
the factors that influence it using your own example.
(Can you plot this on the functional cycle?)
8. Illustrate, with your own example, how the perceptual images of a
particular object are shaped differently for different organisms.
9. What kind of possible practical usage/implementation of the Umwelt
theory can be found in different scientific fields?
"... the garden has been depicted as it presents itself to the human eye, resulting in the neglect of the picture it presents to the house's occupant."