Au revoir!
How We Did the Math
The Pyramid is a square pyramis, so all the sides are equal.
For the reflective pools, we noticed that one of the angles of each triangle is 90 degrees.
Using the triangle sum therum, and the definition of a right triangle, the other two sides have to each equal 45 degrees.
Each side of the pyramid is an equilateral and equilangular triangle.
The panes contain many diamonds and traingles.
The Basic Numbers
- The Height of the Louvre is about 22 meters (72ft)
- The base measures just over 35 meters (116ft).
- It is surrounded by three smaller pyramids and seven reflecting pools, two with fountains.
- There are 675 diamond-shapes and 118 triangular panes
- The Seven reflecting pools are all right triangles
- The Pyramid is in the shape of a square.
- 128 steel girders and 16 steel cables that hold the panes together.
The Louvre Pyramid
Ieon Ming Pei
- Born in China in the year 1917
- At age 17 he came to the USA to study architecture.
- Education: Bachelor of Architecture at MIT, Masters of Architecture at Harvard University.
- Honorary Doctorates: Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania, Columbia University, New York University, Brown University, University of Colorado, Chinese University of Hong Kong, American University of Paris, and The University of Rome
- Awards: Alpha Rho Chi Medal, MIT traveling fellowship, AIA Gold Medal, Wheelwrite traveling fellowship, and The Medal of Liberty
- Most Famous Buildings: The Louvre (Paris, France), Miho Museum (Shiga, Japan), Suzhou Museum (Suzhou, China), and Museum of Islamic Art (Doha)
- Ieon Ming Pei received his United States citizenship in 1954.
News Past The Time of the opening
- The largest part of the project, which will cost more than $1 billion by the time it is completely finished i
- In 1993, more than 650,000 square feet of new space was built. This cost over $1 billion.
- The new underground Louvre contains a 29-foot-high main hall beneath the glass pyramid, shops, cafeterias, an auditorium and education and information facilities for visitors, storage, work areas for the staff, and a modern shopping mall, the Carrousel du Louvre.
- An inverted glass pyramid, known as the Pyramide Inversée (Inverted Pyramid), was also built at this.
- Eventually a bus depot will be installed in the pyramid.
- Attendance at the Louvre has shot up to 10 million visitors a year from 2.5 million visitors a year when the pyramid was designed. In order for the louvre to hold this many people, the Louvre will be open all week long.
- Last month, the museum started on a €55 million ($69 million) project to expand the pyramid's capacity and eliminate severe bottlenecks at the main entrance, the cashiers and cloakrooms.
The Grand Louvre Project
- In 1970 the Louvre struggled to hold the increasing amount of visitors.
- September 26, 1981- President François Mitterrand announced a plan to restore the Louvre.
- 1982- Architect Ieon Ming Pei was nominated for the job of renovation.
- His modern design of the Louvre pyramid was very controversial, people were afraid that this structure would interfere with the classical design of the Louvre.
- 1985- Ieon Ming Pei's design was introduced to the public
Paris, France
A Quick History
- In 1190, the Louvre was built as a fortress to protect Paris from the Anglo-Normans.
- 1364-1369 The Louvre was transformed from a fortress into a royal residence.
- 1980- The launch of the Grand Louvre Project.
- 1989-Opening of the Louvre Pyramid.
The Louvre Basics
- The Louvre is located in Paris, France.
- The Museum is on the right bank of the Seine river.
- The Louvre pyramid is the main entrance to the Louvre museum and is located in the palace courtyard .
- The Pyramid contains a cafeteria and shopping center.
- The Louvre museum contains many famous art pieces such as the Mona Lisa.
- The pyramid is made of glass and steel.