Chapter 11
In this presentation, we will discuss three lesson essential questions and their answers.
Produced by:
Brooke, Sarah, and Emily
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What was the importance of the mountain men in our history?
- Mountain men acted as guides for the settlers
- They found trails and passes (such as the South Pass)
- These men shared their knowledge of the Oregon County with settlers
How did the gold rush affect California?
What was life like traveling the Oregon Trail?
- There was an increase in agriculture, shipping, and trading
- It called for a more effective government (Law was needed to be kept in boomtowns)
- Traveling over 2,000 miles from the United States to Oregon County
- Most Indians were tolerant of the emigrants, but some were hostile
- Some dangers were exhaustion, disease, or accidents
- A lot of food and supplies were needed
- There was minimal space in the wagons
- Settlers had a hope of reaching a new destination
- Settlers had the excitement of exploring new land