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Nelson Mandela P2

The Soweto Uprising

1976 - Approximately

176 to 700 people are

killed in the Soweto


Mandela played a significant role in helping to end Apartheid. He used motivational speeches and adopted interesting strategies

(such as treating whites with

respect rather then being rude to

them) and also simply being a

great leader. He spent 27 years

on Robben island, Pollsmoor

Prison and Victor Verster Prison.

In July 1976 violence broke out in Soweto, Johannesburg, as school children protested against

the imposition of Afrikaans as the teaching medium

in schools. When police used teargas and dogs to break up the peaceful march, it descended into a huge riot. That day will forever be know as the Soweto Uprising. The number of people who died is usually given as 176 with estimates up to 700. The original government figure claimed only 23 students were killed. The number of wounded was estimated to be over a thousand people.

Walter Sisulu, Ahmed Kathrada, Thabo Mbeki and Nelson Mandelas time in jail

Education is key

The Fight To End Apartheid

- South African government prohibited private schools working without state approval.

- Bantu education

(a limited educations



1964 - Rivonia Treason Trial

Walter Sisulu, Ahmed Kathrada, Thabo Mbeki and Nelson Mandela get sentenced to life on Robben Island.

1990 - Nelson Mandela released from Jail.

Sharpeville Massacre

-The South African government prohibited private schools working without

state approval. This especially effected Mission Schools, which had formerly provided the best education for blacks.

-A very limited education system was introduced for blacks called 'Bantu education', a curriculum designed to equip Africans 'in accordance with their opportunities in life' i.e. for menial work. The result of 'Bantu education' in many schools was a rapid decline in staff and student morale, academic performance, sports and other extra- curricular activities.

-Higher education in Cape Town was affected by apartheid laws in the late fifties that designated the University of the Western Cape as 'coloured' and permitted UCT to admit African students only if the course they applied for was not taught at a 'bush' campus.

the Robben jail about 5 miles of the coast of South Africa was abusive and extremely racist. But sadly Walter Sisulu, Ahmed Kathrada, Thabo Mbeki and Nelson Mandela all had to live in this jail for over 27 years, a huge about of time, in which half of the time was either spent sleeping on cold cement floors with a tiny piece of cloth for a "blanket" or smashing rocks in a quarry where they would actually help make their jail larger... it was only by 1980 that Nelson was able to ask one of the leaving guards(one that he had become friends with) to make a

request for the prisoners to

have batter living quarters,

a library, a TV, be able to

order full length movies,

have their own christmas

shows and were also able to

cultivate their own garden.

by: Dawson Harvey

1960 - Black people protest against the

pass laws.

- Police open fire on the

crowd, killing 69 people.

-289 casualties

in total,


29 children.

- Passes







- Black people

could not get

good jobs.

- Black people

had to work

outside of their

Bantustan, for whites.

on 21 March 1960, about 5000 to 7000 people were

protesting at the police station in the South African township of Sharpeville, to protest about pass laws which were(as shown below) causing black

people to be slaves as they could

only be in certain areas if their

pass laws said, and because the

black people could not get good

jobs, it meant if they wanted to be able to be outside of their

Bantustan they would have to be in employment of a white person that would probably pay them a very small amount,

hence the sign saying "with passes we are slaves".

The illegal act of change

race laws

Nelson Mandela P1


- Whites had better education, beaches, public toilets and jobs

- Made it so that blacks could never have the opportunitys that a white person would have.

Race laws effected every aspect of life for South Africans. It provided whites with access to the most privileged suburbs, education, jobs, even exclusive access to beaches, parks, bridges and public toilets.

The system ensured that 'white' privileges were beyond the reach of blacks and that a black person would never reach power of any sort.

Nelson Mandela was born on July 18, 1918, in the tiny village of Mvezo, on the banks of the Mbashe River in Transkei, South Africa. And he was supposed to be a chief for his village. When Mandela was nine years old, his father died of lung disease, causing his life to change dramatically. He was adopted by Chief Jongintaba Dalindyebo, the acting

regent of the Thembu people, a

gesture done as a favor to

Mandela's father, who,

years earlier, had

recommended Jongintaba be

made chief.

Apartheid was(partly)a defensive force. This

made a unified opposition to Apartheid difficult

and The government's reaction to protest was to

outlaw opposition. The Criminal Law Amendment Act made it illegal to protest, or to support any campaign against the law. A huge problem of this is the fact that change is something that is extremely important no matter where you live. Another problem with making opposition illegal is the fact that if you stood in the wrong place, at the wrong time, you could be judged to be 'out of protest' then you could be liable to a large fine or five years

in prison(pretty extreme for being in the wrong

place), even if you had nothing to do with the


Banning was one of the south African government's

ways of silencing people or organizations who they

did not want heard, like Steven Biko and the ANC, when they needed somebody(or some organization) gone, they would ban them, and the wording in which the banning laws were stated made it so that the government could pretty much ban anybody they wanted to at any time. What is banning? If you were banned you could only talk to one person in a room at a time (so if you had a friend over, your friend would have to go out of the room). You also could not write anything, that means, you could not show material to a journalist, you could not speak at or attend anything social and you would have to be confined in your house or immediate surroundings, unless you got special

permission to leave.

The four main pillars of Apartheid

1. Land Act - 13% of South Africa was set aside for 75% of the population(blacks). Blacks were not allowed to own or rent any property outside of their areas.

2. Group Areas Act - Enforced physical separation of residential areas by race.

3. Separate Amenities Act - Separate public facilities such as toilets, schools, water fountains, buses, shops etc.

4. Pass Laws - Blacks were required to carry identity cards that basicly stated things like where they lived and would also show is they had permission to go to a job and if so, where(they were a humiliating thing though because blacks would constantly by pestered by police, asking if they had their pass. You would get your pass at age 16 if you were black.

The collapse to Apartheid


The Apartheid system was finally stopped by

a series of negotiations between 1990 and

1993. These negotiations took place between

the governing National Party, the ANC, and quite a few other political organizations. They were about a huge amount of political violence .The negotiations resulted in South Africa's first non-racial election, which was won by the African National Congress(ANC). Finally Nelson Mandela was doing what he did best, lead. Once

Mandela was the president, he started to take apart the Aparteid system that had teared

his country apart.

1939 - WWII starts

- Afrikaans join the Nazi's.

- All Germans in south Africa detained.

Because the British had taken

their homes and taken their religious freedom away from them, the Afrikaaners did not like the British very much and because of this, when WWII started, the Afrikaners(having come from Germany and Holland)wanted revenge on them and decided to join in the war with the Nazi's, which is the reason that at the time of WWII,

all the Germans in south Africa

were detained

The Reason for Apartheid

- Apartheid made because the Afrikaners felt they were better then other races.

- Battles with Zulus, Khoisan and Xhosa made the Afrikaners hate blacks.

- Afrikaners were very religious.

-Afrikaners wanted to stay in control.

Because of the fact that Afrikaners had been in so many wars led them to have many, many enemy's(such as the British) and they had already had revenge on Britain, by joining the Nazis in WWII but I guess they thought that they had not punished the blacks(Zulu, Khoisan and the Xhosa), they (as a hugely religious group) thought that they were the Gods chosen ones and because of that, thought that they were the uttermost important group, which is part of the reason why they initiated Apartheid, to keep themselves the highest people in society.

Random Acts of Hatred

Boer Expansion

- Undocumented deaths.

- improperly documented deaths.

Apartheid timeline

The Great Trek

Black people were treated badly enough by normal

white people, but South African police and military treated the blacks awfully, as they had weapons and they also tortured or even killed black people. Most of the time the black people wouldn't have done anything at all but would have been beaten on the side of the road. The thing is, even if the police had not been allowed

the beat or kill a black person, they simply would say that the person they has beaten or killed had committed suicide or had died from "Slipped in the shower" or "fell down five flights of stairs" or sometimes they just wouldn't document anything at all. Most of these non-documented cases were just forgotten about, along with the charges the police should have had.

Apartheid on white people

There is a lot of talk about how Apartheid affected

black people, but how did it affect white people?

Life in a Bantustan

1948 - The Afrikaner National party wins a general election. The Apartheid policies are initiated.

1950 - Legislation grants government with vast powers over people

and organizations. The Population Registration Act. This law classifies people into three racial groups: white, colored and native(black). Marriages between races are outlawed(illegal) in order to keep purity of race(it would be much harder to have only three race types if there are English/Africans).

1953 - The preservation of Passes and Coordination of documents Act. This requires all black people to carry their pass at all times.(more about passes on first prezi part)

1958 - Verwoerd elected prime minister of South Africa.

1960 - A group of blacks refuse to carry their passes as a 'strike' of apartheid. The nation declares itself a state of emergency and in

response decides to initiate fines, imprisonment and whippings. Two african political organizations: PAC(Pan African Congress)

and ANC(African National Congress) are banned.

In 1652, a merchant with Dutch East India compony, Jan van Riebeck arrived in Cape of Good Hope (aka Cape Colony) and established the first white settlement in Southern Africa.

The Cape Colony was under Dutch rule until Great Britain claimed the Colony in 1795, the Afrikaaners reclaimed the Colony in 1803 but then lost it AGAIN in 1806 and because of this the

Afrikaan Boers left Cape Colony and

neighboring areas to expand north

and east for more farm land and to

have freedom from great Britain

(A Boer is the Dutch and Afrikaans

noun for farmer).

1980's World Response to


During The Great Trek, more than

10,000 Boers left the Cape Colony

and moved to the Orange Free State

and the Transvaal. But as they were moving, they got in fights with the Khoisan, Xhosa, Zulu and the British(which sparked hatred from

the Afrikaans with both the British

and the blacks, this affected both

of those people later).

The political and product boycotting of south

Africa served a huge role in ending Apartheid as,

no matter how hard the huge anti-Apartheid political people fight, it is impossible to win a fight when the government can simply ban you or put you in jail. So when people outside of South Africa started to boycott South Africa when people stopped buying south African products and people would march on the street in other country's the pressure

on South Africa went up.

- International Sports Sanctions(not allowing South Africa to participate in sporting events like the Olympics or rugby).

- Economic Sanctions, such as other country's not buying their diamonds, platinum and other valuable resources(their main sorce of money).

- Music, international marches and movies like Cry Freedom(Donald Woods).

Bantustans were "homes" for black people

when they were not working as

(basically with the pay they got) servants.

Bantustans commonly did not have many

job opportunity's (mainly because there was no

money to pay others

with) and because of

this, most(almost all)

people had to go

outside of their

Bantustan to find

work such as being a

maid or maybe a

miner but sadly is

was very hard to

get a good

paying job.

The Boers were not

soldiers but rather were farmers fighting for

land and freedom

from the British

Union of South Africa, 1910

  • Union of South Africa formed under British Dominion
  • Each colony was allowed to maintain its laws including colour bar, language
  • All but the Cape Colony refused to allow non-whites to vote, or own property
  • Politically influential but “secret” society called “League of Afrikaner Brothers (AB)"
  • ●Afrikaner nationalism increased focusing on uplifting the economic power of the Afrikaner people (1918 – 1938)

Anglo-Boer War


  • Afrikaner women and children placed in concentration camps

  • More than 27,000 Afrikaner women and children died of disease, and starvation in the camps
  • 1899 - war breaks out between the British colonies and Boer colonies.

  • 3 year war-50,000 Afrikaners vs. 450,000 British (+ Commonwealth)

  • Initial Afrikaner success (guerrilla war) but eventually British won.
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