The Twelve Tables (Roman Law)
The tables were written in response to the plebeians protest that the patricians judges were able to discriminate against them with impunity because the principles governing legal disputes were known only orally.
1. Romans believed that a man should not be accused anonymously.
2. That he should not be penalized for what he thinks.
3. That he should be considered innocent until he is proven guilty.
Goals of the Roman Legal System.
History of the 12 tables~
Before 455 B.C.E a legal could be entered into by patricians. But in a year this privilege was also given to the plebeians also.
Foreigners could gain the rights of Roman citizenship through the Popular Assembly.
Formal announcement of a slaves freedom made him a citizen.
The Twelve Tables of Roman Law was written during 451-450 BC. By 10 commissioners, who felt their legal rights were hampered by the fact that the court judgements were rendered according to unwritten custom preserved only within a small group of learned patricians.
This is the earliest attempt made by the Romans to create a Code of Law, it is also the earliest piece of literature coming from the Romans.