Native American music, dances and songs
Native American Drums
- large variety
- drums, flutes, percussion instruments
- made with natural ressources
the turtleshell radle
Their voice...
men dance in circle, women in place
important role in oral tradition and history
preservation of Native American languages
straight, cloth, fancy shawl, buckskin, fancy feather, grass and gourd dancing
unique traditions in each tribe
The Fancy Shawl Dance
- public & private songs
- never any harmony
- occasionally there are solos
- different musical culture in every tribe
The Structure of a Song
- divided in two parts
- 1: announces the song, then plays the first part
- 2: takes a break and performs second half
Uses of music
Children's play
tribal celebrations
- derived from the word sorcerer or dreamer
- a gathering of people to celebrate life
- evolves (changes) from generation to generation
During this presentation...
Wedding Celebration
-different uses of music
-their particular songs
-typical Native American instruments
-elaboration on a particular dance
During this presentation...