Deforestation and its Effects on Biodiversity
Biodiversity cont.
Reasons for Deforestation
- Fuel
- Urbanization
- Logging
- Agriculture
- Cattle Ranching
- Affect the biodiversity of the habitat
- Direct lead to biodiversity loss
- A complex web of interconnections
- The size of households
- Selective logging introduces new environmental problems
- Biodiversity is also related to global warming
Methods of Deforestation
Deforestation in Costa Rica
How Does Deforestation Affect Biodiversity?
- Burning
- Large-Scale Burning
- Slash and Burn
- Clear Cutting
- Legal and Illegal
- Deforestation destroys the natural habitat of 50-90% of all organisms
- The rain forests only take up 7% of the earth while housing over 50% of the world's animals
- over 50 million organisms are located in tropical rainforest
- We are losing 50-100 different species every day
- Affects biodiversity on global scale due to climate change
Costa Rican Forest 2000-2013
Costa Rica Total Forest
Forest Gained Forest Lost
Impacts of Deforestation
Why Costa Rica?
- Climate Change
- Carbon Sequestration
- Greenhouse Gasses
- Water Cycle
- Soil Erosion
- Loss of Species
- Tropical Rainforests
- Deforestation is a serious is a issue all across the world
- Other countries can use Costa Rica as a model
- Has a rich biodiversity
- Relatively close to United States
- Experienced large deforestation (1950 - early 2000s)
- Has successfully minimized the problem