1.Somatization Disorder
- collection of long lasting, unexplained physical problems
- includes pain, stomach and bowel trouble, urinary difficulties
2.Conversion Disorder
- illness in which parts of the nervous system do not work properly
- paralysis, loss of vision or sensation, involuntary movement, problems with speech
3.Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder
- other chronic symptoms that do not fall under Somatization or Conversion
- fatigue, dizziness, breathlessness,
- frequency of somatic symptoms may differ across cultures
- 11-21% in youth
- 10-20% in middle aged
- 1.5-13% in older aged groups
- cognitive behavioral therapy
- antidepressants
- psychotherapy can help deal with chronic physical discomfort
- stress management
What is Somatoform Disorder?
DSM-IV Categorization and Type
- Axis 1
- categorized as Somatoform Disorders
- Long term, disabling, unexplained physical symptoms
- altered gene or set of genes
- life events
- emotional abuse
- sexual abuse
- trauma
- belief or fear that they have a serious medical condition based off of misunderstood physical symptoms or bodily functions
5.Body Dysmorphic Disorder
- preoccupied with one or more imagined or minor physical flaws
6.Pain Disorders
- pain is predominant focus of clinical attention
7. Not Otherwised Specified
- does not meet the criteria of any Somatic Disorder
Michael Jackson
- an example of a patient with Body Dismorphic Disorder
- He changed his appearance to correct a precieved defect
- frequantly checking defect
- excessive grooming
- excessive exercise, dieting, changing clothes
- compairing themselves to others
- disrupt daily life
- chronic pain
- does not meet any of the previous features
- four pain symptoms (back, joints)
- two gastrointestinal symptoms (bloating, nausea)
- one sexual symptom (irregular menses, erectile dysfunction)
- one neurological symptom ( blindness, localized weakness)
symptom or deficit with:
- motor
- sensory
- seizures or convulsions
- mixed presentation
- fatigue, loss of appetite, gastrointestinal or urinary complaints
- fear of aging and death
- preoccupied with condition
Somatoform Disorders