Stage 4: Death
The Giver:
Once the full takeover was complete, the government had to control the death, if it was not controlled, then the emotions may re rise and take control again.
It was then decided to put the age limit to 60 years old. They called it release, as in release from the weight of society. The ones over 60 would be given an injection to "release" them.
How it happened
Stage 5: The Giver
Head Recorder Lois Lowry was sent to write a book about this community based on the boy Jonas. We hope this will bring people to recognition of what happened.
Mr. Director,
After our first failure showed that it was the memories that controlled the emotions and actions, we have appointed a Giver, one who received all the memories and gives them to his successor. We have genetically modified special embryos to have the ability. This should keep all things under control.
A timeline of the past to the present; how Jonas' community came to be.
Apparently the first set of people failed, so that it caused the director to add a person to hold onto all of the memories. Isolated from the modern world, the community developed on their own and is now the community we currently are observing today at the Institute.
Elaine Li
Period 5
Language Arts
The Start of Plan 2909
This government message was also discovered. It was later decoded as the plans for 2909. From there the genetics processes were continued. It was later shown that plan 2909 did not go as planned due to the major destruction in war. After decoding, plan 2909, renamed Genetic Recreational and Termination Project, or GRATP was set into action.
Note: The paper on the left is a translated version found.
1. Convincing the government to allow us to use the equipment
2. DNA grafting and removal
3. Take over of the body
4. Planning death process
5. The Giver
Stage 3: Takeover
100% Takeover
The genetically modified people gradually began to take over. The government made the change so gradual that no one noticed until majority had been affected.
Point where people started noticing (around 90% of population affected)
* actual time is unknown
No. of people affected (percent)
Time passed*
At the Beginning, some hundred years before Jonas was born...
Note: This file was found in the safe at the ancient structure of a government building, one so called the Pentagon. It is believed that our ancestors created this as a reference to what may have led towards today. To find out more, see the recorder hall.
To: President
From: Head of the FDA
Memo No. 308
Stage 1: Convincing
Mr. President,
I believe that we should proceed with the plan of 2909. It is to our best interest to make humanity the best we can out of the damage we have done with the wars and such other inhumanly things. The other countries oppose but will soon be swayed to agree with us. Your secretary will soon send you the procedures.
As the president it is your job to keep everyone calm. It is also urgent that we work from the young to the old, and if necessary, to cut off communication to all other countries so they will not interrupt the procedures, and word will not leak out.
Head of the FDA
Mr. President, the convincing of the government has been a success. All we have left of step one is to raise funds. I do realize that people may not support this idea but the ones who do have methods of convincing people. The plan is going as, well, planned.
We have yet to find out who this director is. All we know is that he was in charge of the work. He used various methods to influence people to support the cause.
Stage 2: Genetics
After years of research, scientists were able to recombine the DNA to rid the bodies of certain rods and cones to ensure that the people were colorblind, as well as removing a large portion of the part of the brain that contained emotion sensors.
I apologize for the picture. when I came up with the idea, I lacked drawing skills.
the "x" shows where the surgical procedures will take place.
DNA additions and removal