Printing services - send jobs bigger than 50 pages
Computer sharing/personal laptop use
During your office hour
Listen to any voicemail and respond
Log in to Outlook, read and respond to any email directed to you
Familiarize yourself with other email, help file email to other coordinators (make sure you mark it as unread)
Work on your assigned projects
Keep an ear out to what is going on in the office so that you are aware of how to respond to walk-ins and phone calls and available to assist if needed, mark name, date and time on any messages
Clean/put away any dishes left in the kitchen
Complete, delete, or file any unfinished drafts
File or delete all of your sent amil from your shift
Complete your web-time entry
Leave workspace tidy so others can use it
Rapid Discount Cards
Handling Walk-ins
Phone Use
Phone etiquette: how to answer, when to answer, taking messages
Transfer sandwich, hold, speaker
Password: turtle (887853)
Department Money
Work Styles
Credit card use
Using account numbers
Approval from supervisor
Let Tonisha know
Only available to current Calvin students, staff, faculty and Emeriti
Can only be given out once, but can be replaced for $20 at Campus Safety
Must present their ID
Correctly entered into Access file
Ask them if they're interested in a particular program, point them to that coordinator
Or direct them to opportunities on the website
Ask if they need transportation, tell them about transportation options (Rapid, ride request slip)
Ask if they would like to be added to our list-serv