Do Now: (2 min) Answer the following in your notes:
1. What are the dimensions that we use to set the borders of a drafting template?
2. Do you think the border has a purpose beyond putting a frame around our technical sketches? If so, what do you think that purpose is?
Unit 4: Engineering
Line Exercises
How do we project from the top to the side view?
Part 1 - With your template:
- **Please note: Alternate light and dark lines for all line exercises below.**
- Draw ten horizontal lines - 1/4" spacing.
- Draw ten vertical lines - 1/4" spacing.
- Draw 10 45º lines - 1/4" spacing.
- Ten grid lines (horizontal & vertical) - 1/4" spacing - alternate light and dark.
- Ten 30º lines - 1/4" spacing.
- Ten 60º lines - 1/4" spacing.
- Ten 45º lines - 1/4" spacing.
Part 2
- Watch the video and answer all questions on worksheet 04.18.
3. Look closely at the orthographic 3 view on the right. Which dimensions can we easily PROJECT from one view to the other? Which dimension is not so easily projected?
Learning Objective: YWBAT create lines of specific spacing and length.
YWBAT to project the dimensions from one orthographic view to another.
Essential Question: What is the purpose of construction lines?
Today's Agenda: 1. Mini-lesson - creating and orthographic three view.
2. Complete Line exercises
3. Create the side view given an object's front and top view by projection.
Our Entrance Expectations
- On time.
- Enter the room calmly and quietly.
- Notebook and writing utensil out.
- Actively working on the Do Now.
Participation points will be awarded weekly
- Meet all four of the above = 1 point for the day
- Miss any one of the above = 0 points for the day