Planned Parenthood
- Planned Parenthood is now more than ever focused on providing it's services to countries of neglected areas
- Ultimate mission is to provide healthcare to those who need contraception to control their bodies and futures
- Providing forms of contraception has proved to
- increase the amount of women in the workforce
- a decrease of birth rate within over populated areas
- a decrease in the amount of women who attempt self done abortions
Any Questions?
What can be improved?
- The Chubb Center is not an abortion clinic, only issues referrals for women who are looking to have abortions- Instead of gaining an abortion clinic, offer woman who choose to keep their child classes to help raise them.
- Also, because of spiked teen pregnancy, have workers from Planned Parenthood speak about their own personal encounters to high schools around the area.
- Promote the vast amounts of birth control options more publicly.
Planned Parenthood
Around the World
- Planned Parenthood is a non profit organization that provides health care and sex education to millions of individuals around the globe.
- Strives to provide affordable health care to those of lower income- especially in urban cities.
- Over 800 facilities nationwide, 31 in New Jersey, 2 right here in Newark.
How is it Related to Public Service?
The Beginning
- Public Service's are created when people come together to solve a common problem.
- Planned Parenthood was founded on the mission to allow women to have more options.
- Non-Profit Organization.
- Federal Funding since 1970 because of Richard Nixon's Family Planning Services and Population Research Act.
- Although funded by the government, donations are the largest source of funding
- 190 million collected in 2011 from donations in grants.
- Important because by law, gov funding cannot be used for abortions.
- Origin begins with Margaret Sanger- Opens the first birth control clinic in 1916 in Brooklyn NY
- Margaret was later arrested for opening the clinic.
- Clinic soon evolved to the American Birth Control League
- This is the only birth control clinic in the United States until 1960
The Beginning cont.
- 1941- 222 Centers serving over 49,000 clients
- 1942- Name changed to Planned Parenthood Federation of America
- 1952- Creates the International Planned Parenthood Federation in Bombay, India
Chubb Center
- Closest Planned Parenthood Center to Rutgers Newark Campus
- Services Offered
- Birth Control
- General Health Care
- HIV testing
- Men's Health Care
- Morning After Pill
- Pregnancy Testing and Services
- STD Testing, Treatments, and Vaccines
- Women's Heath Care