Journey to Excellence
9.2 PeopleSoft Expense Training
New Link to Self-Service Login
State of Georgia 2015 Travel Regulations
Who To Contact for Travel Questions
Contact Name: Travel
Contact Information:
Scenario Activities- Expense Report #2
Scenario #2: Create an expense report for a conference attended from 3/30/15 to 4/1/15 in Nashville, TN. The travel expenses were meals (dinner-1st day travel; breakfast, lunch, & *dinner; dinner-last day travel), lodging $139 per night, airfare $395 round-trip, hotel self-parking $10 per day
- Business Purpose: Attend Conference
- Report Description: National Annual Conf Nashville
- Destination Location: NASHVILLE
- QUICK-FILL: One Day or All Days
- Descriptions: Roundtrip ATL to Nashville; 1st Day Travel; Per Diem Meal; Last Day Travel; Lodging $139/night + out of state tax/fee
- Payment Type: VISA, Cash, or Credit Card
- Mandatory Fields: Airfare Ticket Number (ATLNASH1000) & Lodging # of Nights
- First or Last Day of Travel link requires OK twice selected confirmation
Scenario Activities- Expense Report #1
Scenario #1: Create a travel expense report for mileage to attend a meeting on Sunday, 3/29/15, to Monday, 3/30/15. Mileage is 76 round-trip, 28 commute round-trip, and 14 commute one-way.
- Login User ID and Password
- Business Purpose: Attend Meeting
- Report Description: Attend Annual ATL Meeting at GaTech
- Destination Location: Atlanta, GA
- Originating Location: Buford, GA
- Expense Type: Employee Mileage
- Description: Home to Meeting to Home-3/29/15; Home to Meeting to Home-3/30/15
- Payment Type: N/A (e.g. Mileage)
- Add Training Attachments ( Prior Approval, Goggle Maps) from Desktop
Lost Receipt form:
- Lost Receipt form is not needed for meals: Per Diem rate will be used for reimbursement for ALL meal reimbursements.
Justification Memos:
- Justifications can be added to the expense report in the Notes field instead of a separate justification document
- Justifications as a separate document are no longer needed if a Lost Receipt form is completed for an expense that requires a receipt for reimbursement
Acceptable Mileage Range:
- Mileage will be reimbursed based on the provided (printed/attached) online map search/ directions (i.e. goggle maps, map quest, etc.) and the claimed mileage. During the Accounting Audit review process, if there are deviations from the most direct route to the location, additional miles may be reimbursed if a justification is included on the expense report in the Notes section explaining the situation.
Local (within Georgia) Prior Approval:
- The annual local (within Georgia) prior approval will be sufficient for local travel, regardless if there is an attached registration fee.
- A separate prior approval is not needed for in the state of GA travel. A local prior approval will cover all travel (includes registration and lodging in GA) unless the associated lodging is within a 50 mile radius which requires a separate prior authorization.
State of Accounting Travel Policy Changes
- The State Accounting Office which governs all State of GA Travel has revised the State Travel Regulations which are effective 4/1/15.
- To provide hands-on experience for the End-Users in the 9.2 Travel and Expense module
- Familiarize yourself with the new Expense Page and Features
- Inform you of the recent travel policy changes effective 4/1//2015
- Gain Knowledge and Provide Feedback from use of the travel upgrade system
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