Why learn How To Write An Essay?
Imagine opening your closet to find something to wear to school, and all you can find are khaki pants and white shirts. Does that sound like a nightmare? Well, for many public school students in Ontario, it is reality. Students should not be forced to wear uniforms in Ontario public schools. Uniforms take away a student's sense of individuality, they do not save money, and they do not teach students to respect differences.
1. Attention grabber (hook)
2. General information about topic (2-3 sentences)
3. Thesis statement
4. Three supporting details
The ability to write an effective essay is a critical skill to have.
- middle school
- high school
- post-secondary education (college, university)
- a number of careers
Write one body paragraph for each supporting detail that you mentioned in the introduction paragraph.
Introduction Paragraph
3 Body Paragraphs
Conclusion Paragraph
1. Topic Sentence
2. Evidence or Examples
3. Closing Sentence (transition sentence)
1. Topic Sentence (state the supporting detail #1)
2. Back up the supporting detail #1 with evidence or examples.
3. Closing sentence (transition sentence)
1. Topic Sentence (state the supporting detail #2)
2. Back up the supporting detail #2 with evidence or examples.
3. Closing sentence (transition sentence)
1. Topic Sentence (state the supporting detail #3)
2. Back up the supporting detail #3 with evidence or examples.
3. Closing sentence (transition sentence)
Now it is time to wrap it up!
1. Topic sentence
2. Restate three supporting details
3. Restate the thesis statement
To organize your thoughts when writing.
- Expository Essay (to inform)
- Persuasive or Argumentative Essay (to persuade)
- Research Essay (to discover)
- Literary Essay (to analyze literature)