- Juliet's cousin, part from her mother's side
- Fashionable,vain and supremely aware of courtesy and lack of it
- When he feels his pride has been injured, he becomes aggressive and quick to draw his sword
- She is the mother of beautiful 13-year-old Juliet and the wife of Patriarch Capulet.
- She doesn't pay much attention to Juliet, she isn't affectionate and relies on the nurse to take care of her.
- The patriarch of The Capulet family. He is the father of Juliet and husband of Lady Capulet. He is rich and despises the lower class.
- He doesn't approve of Romeo and tries his best to keep Juliet and Romeo from seeing each other.
- She wants Juliet to marry Paris, for the money of course.
- Juliet's nurse, the woman who took care of Juliet her whole life and raised her.
Benvolio- Montague nephew
- The Nurse supported every choice Juliet made and believed in love.
- romeo cousin
- thoughtful friend
- spends most of the play helping romeo
- The daughter of Lady Capulet and Capulet
- A beautiful thirteen year olf
- who brings Romeo the news of Juliut's death
- unwear that her deh is fake.
- A girl in an aristocratic family
- Begins a play as a naive child
- Has a close friend and confidant, her nurse
Lady Montague
- The son and heir of Montague and Lady Montague
- 16 years old
- Handsome,Intelligent and sensitive
- No interest in violence,his only interest is in love
- He secretly marries Juliet the daughter of his fathers worst enemy
- Romeo's mother
- Montague's wife
- She dies of grief after romeo exiled from Verona
Montague- Romeo's father, The patriarch of the montague clan.
- Bitter enemy of capulet.
- Romeo father
- married to Lady Montague
- Head of Montague clan
- A Kinsman to the Prince,and Romeo's close friend
- One of the most extraordinary characters in all of shakes pear's plays
- He loves wordplay and sexual double entendres
Characters in Romeo and Juliet