Lord of the Flies
Feelings Throughout the Book
- Easily intimidated
- Have a high respect for Ralph because he offers them a sense of security
- Afraid of Jack and abandon their fire tending duties at Jack's command
- Frighten Piggy when they fight; Piggy whispers desperately to Ralph that they’ve got to get out of this somehow before they go “barmy” or “bomb happy,”
- Sam and Eric are identical twins. They do EVERYTHING together. They even finish each other's sentences.
- They are easily exiteable and part of the 'Bigguns' group
- Treated as a single entity
- Represent need humans have for moral support
- Symbolize weakness of human nature
Role on the Island
- Main Job: Tend to Fire
- Closely allied to Ralph
- Attacked and threatened in the woods by Jack and his tribe
- Betrayed Ralph after joined Jack's tribe