Apprenticeship or full time work
Other Colleges or Sixth Forms
- Having spent the best part of three years trying to get a new building we are almost there.
- Planning permission has been given by the Local Authority.
- The money is in place to build it.
- The designs have been agreed.
- Need to sort out the legal papers
- Hopefully we will begin building in January and it will take about a year to build.
- Apprentices are employed for at least 30 hours per week and earn a wage.
- Apprenticeships work alongside experienced staff to gain job-specific skills.
- Apprentices attend a specialist college or training organisation on a day-release basis. Sometimes the training is delivered and assessed in house by the employer.
- Apprenticeships may take between one and four years to complete depending on the level of the Apprenticeship, the learners ability and industry sector.
- Apprentices will be in employment for most of the time as most training takes place ‘on the job’.
National Apprenticeship Service -
Entry Requirements
- Must have 5A* - C grades including English and Mathematics
(If you get English or Mathematics but not both, you may still be accepted but will have to re-sit in November)
- For most subjects you will be required to get a GCSE grade B in that subject.
(If it is a new subject that you have not studied before we will look at your overall GCSE Achievement)
- Good attendance and behaviour record in Year 11
Why Choose Holte Sixth Form
All pupils study the equivalent of 3 A Levels
Full time work
- Smaller teaching groups means more individual attention from staff
- We have known you for five years and know your potential
- You will be given regular progress grades to ensure that you are on target for success
- You will be given a tutor who will support you throughout the two years
- The range of extra curricular activities will be developed to suit you; we expect you to have an input into deciding what you want to do
6 hours per week for each subject
6 x 3 = 18 hours a week of lessons
Other 7 hours made up of
- Private study time
- Extended project
- Re-sit English or Mathematics
- P.E Sessions
(Other subjects may be offered if there is a demand)
1. Complete an application form
2. Give the application form to either Mr Billingham, Miss Seville or Mrs Gregory
3. You will attend a short interview
4. If successful you will be given an acceptance letter
5. If you are unsuccessful we will help you with your next step
What do I need to research?
- What career you want in the future
- What subjects you must do before you start applying
- To study Law at University you do not need to study Law at A Level – History and English are always accepted and often preferred.
- To study Nursing they often require Biology A Level.
Once you have started on your A Levels it is very difficult to switch subjects
Level 3 Courses are not easy!
- The jump from GCSE to A Level/Level 3 BTEC is huge.
- It will require a lot of hard work both within lessons and in study time.
- You must be prepared to put in the time at home
- You will be required to do a lot of background reading and research.
Information you need to know
- No more modular examinations.
- AS qualifications do not count towards A Level qualifications, they will be counted as a separate qualification.
- You do not have to sit AS exams, you can just sit the A Level exams at the end of two years.
- BTEC Level 3 qualifications will have an examination component to it.
University Entry Requirements
- With AS examinations no longer compulsory,
entry to University will depend on your GCSE results.
- You will need a minimum of a C grade in English and Mathematics (often Universities want a B grade).
- Some sixth form pupils are having to re-sit English and Mathematics to improve the ‘C’ grade they got in Year 11.
- To get on any Science type course you will need at least a ‘B’ grade in Science. This includes Nursing and Health Care.