The Presidency
Duties (Constitutional)
Military Power
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
War Powers Resolution 1973
Growing Power of the President
Diplomatic Power
Treaty (Senate 2/3)
Executive Agreements
Grant Diplomatic Recognition
refusal to spend money
appropriated by Congress
1974: Budget Reform & Impoundment Act
all funds appropriated by Congress must
be spent unless Congress approves the
Executive Privilege:
1973: US v Nixon (Watergate)
Limited in judicial proceedings
1982: Nixon v Fitzgerald
(cannot sue for damages related
to presidential decisions made
while in office)
1997: Clinton v Jones
(no protection from civil suits)
Natural-born citizen
Must have lived in the US for
14 years prior to the
35 years old
Appointment Power
Cabinet Chiefs
Supreme Court Justices
(2/3 Senate)
Agenda Setting:
determines policy priorities
State of the Union Address
Executive Orders:
have the force of law
Veto Power
return to Congress with
message or explanation
Congress can override with
2/3 vote
Line-Item Veto:
veto parts, but not all of a bill
1997-Clinton v City of New York
The Office of Management and Budget
Executive Office of the President
prepares the budget the President send to the Congress for approval
assist the president in carrying our the administration of the government.
allocates funding to the cabinet departments
*top aide to the president.
* usually someone they know and
* controls access to the president
Council of Economic Advisors
* assist president in forming economic
copy and paste as needed and take advantage of an infinite canvas!
National Security Council:
*Headed by the National Security Advisor
* free from Congressional Oversight
* military and foreign policy