- Its essential that each individual person is perceived and accepted for their uniqueness
- It is essential for one to gain awareness of themselves and their involvement in their environment.
- I believe confrontation is imperial to therapeutic session success and for the client to gain honest self awareness.
Strengths of Theory
Philosophical Bases for Gestalt
- Promotes self-reliance
- Drive toward individualization
- Useful in facilitating deeper emotional experiences.
- Effective for diverse backgrounds
- Tailored toward the individual
Unique Characteristics
- Relational Gestalt Therapy
- Philosophical Approach
- Field Theory
- Figure-Formation Process
- Phenomenological inquiry
- Location of Energy
- Internal Dialogue Exercise
- Empty-chair technique
- Reversal Exercise
- Rehearsal Exercise
- Exaggeration Exercise
Underlying Assumptions
Key Points
- Individual in environment
- Process oriented
- Direct experiencing
- Awareness & Attention
- Holistic perspective
- Here and Now
- Self-Concept
- Creativity
- Holistic perspective
- Field theory
- The figure-formation process
- Organismic self-regulation
- Contact
- Topdog / Underdog
Key Figures
- Frederick S. Perls (1893-1970) - Originally developed Gestalt Therapy, aka Fritz
- Laura Posner Perls (1905-1990) - Fritz's wife, maintained Gestalt thought, and made several contributions
Gestalt Theory
School: Humanistic
Weaknesses of Theory
Implications of Assumptions
- No emphasis on a particular aspect of the individual, rather interested in the whole
- Individuals organize their experiences from "moment to moment" and becomes their common interest.
- Individuals take direct action to obtain and maintain stability.
- When individuals focus on previous experiences, they are unlikely to come to term with present issues
- Blocked energy is an alternative defensive behavior and when addressed, can bring awareness to self.
- Intense level of emotions and feelings from clients
- Limitations for those who are culturally, emotionally reserved
- Received minimal empirical validation
From DiAndra's Perspective
- Individuals see multi-facets of themselves and need to accept all aspects to see themselves as a holistic individual
- Awareness is essential for survival
- Coming to terms with what is happening currently is the only way to advance your experiences from the past and for the future
Corey, G., & California State University. (2013). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy. Australia: Brooks/Cole / Cengage Learning.
Halbur, D. A., & Halbur, K. V. (2011). Developing your theoretical orientation in counseling and psychotherapy. Boston, Mass: Pearson.
Wagner-Moore, L. (2004). Gestalt therapy: Past, present, theory, and research. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 41(2), 180-189. doi: