Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in the Classroom
In today's world there are tons of different technologies and everyone is able to have their hands on some kind of device. Everyone is always talking about the advantages of technology devices but we also need to look at the disadvantages and make sure we are being in the proper equipment and setting rules to be able to give the best for our students
- Labs- They are centralized resources, and they are easier to maintain and secure. Students also enjoy the little bit of independence that comes with labs
- Classroom Workstations- They are learning stations with individual tutoring and drills; whole class demonstrations; internet research and production tasks for cooperative learning groups. The teacher can customize them to better fit the need in the classrooms with the students.
Social Networking- Social networking can be helpful, but it can also be dangerous. Keep an eye out for students bullying .
Lack of funding- There is a lack of funding for technology, teachers should look out for different ways to get more funding.
Overuse- People are worried that the younger generation are using the technology too much. They can text while driving, or go to inappropriate websites when they should be working.
- Personal Privacy- Some online companies track your information without user consent. Students, and some adults will give information out and think it is harmless
- Reliance on Distant Education- We are relying more and more on virtual classes, but not all students are able to learn this way and the students who do learn this way are sometimes not able to use it.
Advantages and Disadvantages
- Hand-held technologies- These make it easier for teachers and students to view, communicate, and share information, regardless of location.
- Display technologies- These devices support whole class or large group demonstrations of information from a computer.
- Imaging technologies- To make teaching and learning more visual, these devices allow the development and use use of images ranging from still photos to full videos.
By: Caitlan D. Jett