Audiences and Institutions
Media Notes
How did the distributors attract their target audience? (Advertising, trailers, reviews, use of other media for tie-ins (radio, TV), merchandising (clothes, soundtrack etc.)
By pushing the movie into film festivals, the distributors were able to get the film notices by other companies so that it may be further distributed and presented to its targeted audience.
How was technology used at this stage?
Who is behind the film?What was the film’s production budget?Did the institution solely fund themselves?
1.Director = Richard Ayoade
2.Producer = Ben Stiller, Mark Herbert, Andy Stebbing and Mary Burke
3.Screenplay = Richard Ayoade
4.Starring = Noah Taylor, Paddy Considine, Craig Roberts, Yasmin Paige and Sally Hawkins
5.Music = Alex Turner and Andrew Hewitt 6.Cinematography = Eric Wilson
7.Editing = Nick Fenton and Chris Dickens
8.Studios = Film 4 Productions, Film Agency for Whales, Whales Creative IP Fund, Red Hour Films, Warp Films
9.Distributed by = Optimum Releasing (UK) and The Weinstein Company (US)
10.Budget = 1.2 million pounds
Who was the target audience for the film?
The target audience for the film was people between ages 25+. The target audience here was a more mature audience.
How was the film distributed in the UK?
The film premiered at the 35th Toronto International Film Festival in September 2010. Following a generally positive reception it was picked up by The Weinstein Company for a North American release. The film also played at the 54th London Film Festival in October 2010 and was played out of competition at the 27th Sundance Film Festival in January 2011. It was also screened along with 400 other films at the 61st Berlin International Film Festival the next month. It went on general release in the UK on 18 March.
Wide cinema release or targeted?
Targeted release.
How many other countries was the film distributed in and what were they?
Who were the film’s home distributors (for TV/DVD/Blue-ray)?
Who were the film’s theatrical distributors (for cinema)?
Where did it make its money and how much did it make?
Box Office = 2.03 million
How was technology used at this stage?
1. How long did the production take?
Principal photography began on October 26 2009 and ended that same December
2. Was the film a prequel, sequel or part of a franchise?
The film has neither a prequel or a sequel and is not part of a franchise
3. Does the film’s studio/production company specialize in high or low budget films?
Warp films specializes in low budget films
4. Was this film a high or low concept?
The film was a low concept
5. How was technology used at this stage?
1. Who is behind the film?What was the film’s production budget? Did the institution solely fund themselves?
1.Director = Max Giwa and Dania Pasquini
2.Producer = James Richardson
3.Screenplay = Jane Enlglish
4.Starring = Diversity, Flawless, George Sampson, Charlotte Rampling, Eleanor Bron, Nichola Burley, Patrick Baladi, Jocelyn Jee Esien, Richard Winsor, Jeremy Sheffield
5.Music = Various Artists
6.Cinematography = Sam McCurdy
7.Editing = Tim Murrell
8.Studios = BBC Films, E1 Entertainment, HMV, Phase 4 Films
9.Distributed by = Vertigo Films, Universal Studios
10.Budget = 3.5 million
1. Who was the target audience for the film?
The target audience for the film was people between ages 10 and 25.
2. How was the film distributed in the UK?
3. Wide cinema release or targeted?
Wide cinema release
4. How many other countries was the film distributed in and what were they?
5. Who were the film’s home distributors (for TV/DVD/Blue-ray)?
The film came out on Blue-Ray and DVD on September 27 2010 in the UK
6. Who were the film’s theatrical distributors (for cinema)?
7. Where did it make its money and how much did it make?
Box Office = 2,273,938
8. How was technology used at this stage?
1. How long did the production take?
The filming took from August-December 2009
2. Was the film a prequel, sequel or part of a franchise?
Streetdance is not a prequel however due to its success it does have a sequel
3. Does the film’s studio/production company specialize in high or low budget films?
Vertigo Film specializes in both high and low budget films.
4. Was this film a high or low concept?
This was a low concept film.
5. How was technology used at this stage?
1. What are the box office takings?
Box Office = 2.03 million pounds
2. Would you expect it to play in Guildford Cinema?
Probably not because it is a very small, independent movie
3. What formats is the film available in on for home exhibition?
DVD and I-tunes
4. Was your film considered a success or failure at the box office and why?
For the independent film world - in terms of making a good quality movie - yes, it was considered a success. However it did not make that high of a profit.
5. How was Technology used at this stage?
How did the distributors attract their target audience? (Advertising, trailers, reviews, use of other media for tie-ins (radio, TV), merchandising (clothes, soundtrack etc.)
The distributors attracted their target audience by advertising on TV through tailors, by creating a very flashy front cover for posters and by using a very popular dance group which already had a fan base in their movie.
How was technology used at this stage?
1. What are the box office takings?
Box Office = 11 million
2. Would you expect it to play in Guildford Cinema?
Yes, because this was Britain first 3D release.
3. What formats is the film available in on for home exhibition?
DVD and Blue Ray
4. Was your film considered a success or failure at the box office and why?
Success because it made a profit.
5. How was Technology used at this stage?
The Dark Knight and the
Dark Knight Rises
by Warner Bros.
Streetdance and Streetdance 2
by Vertigo Films
Who is behind the film?What was the film’s production budget?Did the institution solely fund themselves?
1.Director = Christopher Nolan
2.Producer = Emma Thomas, Charles Roven
3.Screenplay = Jonathan Nolan, Christopher Nolan
4.Starring = Christian Bale, Micheal Caine, Gary Oldman, Anne Hathaway, Tom Hardy, Marion Cotillard, Joseph Gorden-Levitt and Morgan Freeman
5.Music = Hans Zimmer
6.Cinematography = Wally Phister
7.Editing = Lee Smith
8.Studios = Legendary Pictures, Syncopy Films and DC Comics
9.Distributed by = Warner Bros. Pictures
10.Budget = $250-300 million
11.Box Office = $1,081,041,287
1. How long did the production take?
Dark Knight: The production two years and they announced there would be a sequel in 2006 and it was then released in 2008.
Dark Knight Rises: They began filming in India, May 2011 and ended in November that same year. During this time the movie was filmed in, Pittsburgh, Los Angeles, New York, Newark, London and Glasgow.
2. Has the film a prequel, sequel or part of a franchise?
Dark Knight is the second part of Nolan's batman series and is the sequel to Batman Begins and is part of a franchise.
Dark Knight Rises is the sequel to the Dark Knight.
3. Does the film’s studio/production company specialize in high or low budget films?
Both: High budget films
4. Was this film a high or low concept?
Both: High concept
5. How was technology used at this stage?
1. Who was the target audience for the film?
Both: The target audience for the film was people between ages 12-40: mostly those who have already been in the “haste” of the Batman story.
2. How was the film distributed in the UK?
Both: Wide cinema release by Warner Bros.
3. Wide cinema release or targeted?
Both: Wide cinema release.
4. How many other countries was the film distributed in and what were they?
Dark Knight: 78 (including USA)
Argentina, USA, Australia, Taiwan, Chile, Greece, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Panama, Uruguay, Venezuela, Iceland, UK, Denmark, Belgium, Egypt, Iceland, Italy, Croatia, Finland, Ireland, Israel, Kuwait, Lebanon, Lithuania, Netherlands, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, UAE, Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Norway, Romania, South Africa, Sweden, Turkey, Germany, Japan, Poland, South Korea, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, France, Spain, Switzerland, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Austria, Switzerland, Armenia, Pakistan, Japan, Brazil, Peru, South Korea
Dark Knight Rises:
5. Who were the film’s home distributors (for TV/DVD/Blue-ray)?
6. Who were the film’s theatrical distributors (for cinema)?
7. Where did it make its money and how much did it make?
Box Office = $1,081,041,287
8. How was technology used at this stage?
1. What are the box office takings?
Dark Knight: Gross = 1004558444 Box Office = 185,000,000 Opening Weekend = 158,411,483
Dark Knight: Box Office = $1,081,041,287
2. Would you expect it to play in Guildford Cinema?
Both: Definitely, because the movie had a world-wide release.
3. What formats is the film available in on for home exhibition?
Both: DVD, Blue-ray, I-tunes, Hulu, Netflix
4. Was your film considered a success or failure at the box office and why?
Both films were considered a major success because they profited almost double its original budget. 10.Budget = $250-300 million
11.Box Office = $1,081,041,287
5. How was Technology used at this stage?
1. How did the distributors attract their target audience? (Advertising, trailers, reviews, use of other media for tie-ins (radio, TV), merchandising (clothes, soundtrack etc.)
Both: The covered all areas of marketing by advertising in movie theaters, on radio stations, on T.V stations, on poster boards in Coffee houses and on benches around the globe. Likewise they put out an early press release to engage the audience and lure them into the scheme of the movie. (This is done so that the production information is talked about and the movie is 'well known' before it even hits the theaters).
2. How was technology used at this stage?
Box Office Opening Weekend =
$ 158 Million - 4366 screens - in USA only
Funder(s) and Co-producers:
Warner Bros.
Batman is owned by D.C Comics (they own the intellectual property that is Batman = the copy write is owned by D.C Comics. However Warner Bros. owns D.C Comics.