The End
Some of her famous artworks
- This piece is called the "heartland".
- Also completed in 1985
- Style is pattern and decoration
Miriam Schapiro
Feminist Art Movement
By: Lindsay Christiansen
Schapiros artwork focused on things that women do. All of her artwork is very decorative, because it is believed to be a womens art characteritic. She also used fabric with flowers in her art work.
High Steppin Strutter
acrylic on paper
Bernice Steinbaum Gallery, NY
This piece of artwork was done by Miriam Schapiro to represent dancing. Dancing was another aspect of a "womans life." This artwork shows the dancer as a painter.
Miriam Schapiro was
one of the leaders of the feminist art movement. She lead and taught many women about art and how to develop their own sense of style. She was a painter and sculptor.
Miriam Schapiro
This is the piece of art that I reproduced.
- Born on November 15, 1923 in Toronto Canda
Miriam Schapiro
- Moved to New York in 1945 to start the feminist art movement
This is my piece of artwork that I created using my artist, Miriam Schapiro's style.