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Népszerű keresések
• Roman aristocrats throw over the monarchy and establish a republic dominated by the patricians (men from a wealthy class)
• Executive authority was exercised by two consuls who were advised by a patrician assembly – the Senate
• Conflicts started to worsen with poorer classes called plebeians led to important changes in Roman political life
o Written code of law offered plebeians protevtion from abuse with a system of public assemblies that provided an opportunity for lower classes to shape public policy and a new office of tribune that represented plebeians
• Result of interaction among Southern Asia’s varied cultures together, the development of their economies and social differences among people
• This social structure was very strict and played an important role in religion and the roles of citizens
• Persia was the largest and most impressive empire in the world
• It stretched throughout Egypt and the Middle East
• Persian empire allowed various groups to practice their different faiths
• Important invention of the empire – Cyrus Cylinder: document with principles and laws that protected citizens
Strayer, Robert W. Ways Of the World: a Brief Global History with Sources. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martins, 2011. Print.
“Touropia Travel Experts.” Touropia Travel Experts. Web. 31 Aug. 2015. <>
• Rose from Greek victory in the Greco-Persian Wars
• High point of Athenian democracy
• Golden Age of Greek Culture
o The Parthenon, a temple to Athena the Greek goddess of wisdom, was built
o Greek theater was born
o Socrates was beginning his career as a philosopher and irritant in Athens
• Siddartha was a prince from a north Indian state.
• When he saw old age, sickness and death, he went on a six year spiritual quest.
• During his quest, he achieved enlightenment at age 35.
• He spent the rest of his life teaching what he had learned to a small community. He focused on teaching about suffering and the end of suffering.
500 BCE Start of the Classical Period
• Roman Empire has reached its maximum extent
• Upper class women gained almost complete liberty in matters regarding property and marriage
• Wealth of empire enriched some, enabling them to acquire larger estates and more slaves
• Considered to be one of the tallest buildings in Mesoamerica.
• Located in Teotihuacan.
• Confucius wrote a book called Analects in which he collected all of his teachings
• Confucius thought that the key to restore social harmony lay in the moral examples of superiors.
• Confucianism became a central element of the educational system in China and set the importance of family in Chinese culture. peri
• After the Qin dynasty discredited legalism, it allowed Confucianism to take over at the official ideology of Chinese state as it was supported by the Han Dynasty.
• The Popol Vuh is a book on Mayan culture and mythology.
• It was written in the Mayan language of Ki’che’
• It is one of the only works of literature by this civilization.
• The earliest panels of the Popol Vuh that have been found date back to 300 BCE.
• Persian King, Darius orders the construction of the Royal Road
• The Royal Road extended over 1700 miles and throughout the Persian Empire
• It made communication and commerce easier by cutting length of trips across the empire
• Large and influential Mayan city situated in northern Guatemala
• Between 200 – 900 CE, Tikal was the largest Mayan city with almost two hundred thousand inhabitants
• Greek civil war
• Result from Athens attempt at solidifying a dominant position among its allies after the Greco-Persian Wars
• Basically Athens versus Sparta
o Sparta leading the side defending the traditional independence of Greek city-states
• Results: Athens was defeated, Greeks exhausted themselves and distrust between Greeks magnified
o This left Greece vulnerable to takeover
• Fierce rivalries of military leaders lead Rome to civil war
• Traditionalists lamented apparent decline of republican values (below) amid self-seeking ambition of the newly rich and powerful
o Simplicity, service, free farmers as backbone of the army, the authority of the Senate
• Results of Civil War: Authority was now vested mainly in an emperor, the first being Octavian – later granted title of Augustus → implied divine status for the ruler
• First emperor of China
• Developed Bureaucracy and equipped his army with iron weapons.
• Qin Shihuangdi united China under Legalism and advocated harsh punishments for the law breakers
• Qin Shihuangdi responded to threats of nomadic groups to the north by beginning the construction of what is now known as the Great Wall of China
• One of the most consequential cultural encounters
• Greek settlements on Anatolian seacoast came under Persian control as the Persian empire expanded west
• 499 BCE Some of these cities revolted against Persian control with support of Athens and the Greek mainland
• This made the Persians attack the Greeks with rage
• The Greeks beat the Persians on both land and sea
• Mystical and highly philosophical works
• Sought to probe the inner meaning of the sacrifices prescribed in the Vedas
• Introduce central concepts of philosophical Hinduism that have persisted into modern times, such as
• Brahman
• Samsara