On January 11, 1983, Nancy Cruzan lost control of her vehicle and was thrown out of it into a water filled ditch, after weeks in a hospital, she was diagnosed as being in a persistant vegitative state (PVS) Her family waited over four years for a sign of recovery but when it didnt come
they asked for their daughter to be taken off life support. The hospital refused to do so without any "clear and convincing evidence" to do so.
The Cruzan family
felt that they're daughter
shouldn't be kept alive
in a vegitative state
The hospital felt
that they shouldnt be
able to take someone off
life support without any
"clear and convincing
Today people can only be taken off
Life Support with "clear and convincing evidence"
The Supreme Court came to the decision to uphold the state's laws and refuse the Cruzan family due to their lack of evidence
An Example:
Here is something small...
Photo credits: 'horizon' by pierreyves @ flickr