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Forensic Anthropology

Education requirements

  • The first step to becoming an anthropologist is to earn a bachelor's degree
  • graduate level degree in; biology, physiology, and genetics


Branch of Forensics

job description


Forensic Anthropology is the application of the science of physical or biological anthropology to the legal process.

  • average salary with a bachelor's is starts at $35,000 and goes to $50,000
  • average salary with a doctorate starts at $50,000 and goes to $100,000

Forensic anthropology involves applying anthropological research and techniques to medicolegal issues






subsections in forensic anthropology

techniques used when studying skeletal remains

  • Forensic Osteology
  • Forensic Archeology
  • Forensic Taphonomy
  • clay or graphic facial reproduction
  • scanning electron microscopy
  • radio graphic techniques
  • photo or video superimposition
  • casting of skeletal materials
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