FDR's First 100 Days
Reform of the Financial System
- Roosevelt brought about the Reciprocal Trade Act
- The RTA allowed the president to negotiate with other nations to change tariffs
- This act helped international relations flourish for the 2/3 of a century
Recovery of the Economy
- FDR created the NRA or National Recovery Administration
- A "Blanket Code" was put into effect in the U.S.
- This code introduced minimum wage, maximum work weeks, and demolished child labor
- In two years the NRA increased industrial product over 50%
- In late May 1935, the NRA was found unconstitutional
- Franklin Roosevelt seemed to prefer a strong governmental system
- FDR used government agencies to help the people and the economy of the United States
- Many of his policies are the predecessors to the policies used by today's government
The New Deal
Relief for the unemployed
- Roosevelt produced many public work opportunities which gave jobs to the unemployed
- These workers built things like bridges, airports, and roads
- Roosevelt also helped create the AAA, it helped people living in rural America
100 days of congressional lawmaking