
Prezi AI.

Az Ön új prezentációs asszisztense.

Minden eddiginél gyorsabban finomíthatja, fejlesztheti és szabhatja testre tartalmait, találhat releváns képeket, illetve szerkesztheti vizuális elemeit.


My Post-Secondary Pathway Plan

To Become A Doctor


I'm certain a doctor is the right job for me since I excel in all the courses needed for a doctor and have developed/or developing the certain skills needed to become a successful doctor. Moreover, I recognize the responsibilities of this career and the time needed for education and training. In short, I am am willing to dedicate my life to help others.

Thank you!

Presentation by:

Career Studies


Through the characteristics I have (confidence, empathy, being humane, respectfulness and thoroughness) and the I am currently developing (my organization skills and my communication skills) becoming a successful doctor is within my reach. I have developed these characteristics through many extra curricular activities such as wrestling, mentor ship and have conveyed them in everyday life.

Confidence gives the patients confidence. Empathy allows patients to realize you are trying to understand what they are going through. Being humane allows people to know you are compassionate and kind. Thoroughness lets people know you are less likely to make mistakes. Respectfulness lets patients you take their input seriously. Lastly communication skills are vital for interviews and so their is no misunderstandings between you, your patients and your boss.

Financial Needs

If needed, I can apply for the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) for financial support during my education. I am currently aiming for an Academic Scholarship and I am going to work part time to raise up funds for university.

The tuition cost for one year will be $23,930.50 which includes Hart House, Students Administrative Council, Athletics, Health Services, and the Medical Society and Student Services Fee. Books & Equipment $ 1,700.00

Rent and Food costs $ 9,580.00

Other Living Expenses $ 7,160.00

Requirement for university

Pros and Cons

To apply for university-for life sciences- to become a doctor you need to get your high school diploma (OSSD). However, just the diploma is not enough, you will need to excel in Mathematics, English, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Computer Science (Recommended). I will need about an 85% average to get into a university of my choice (UofT).

Pros: Being able to aid people with their health problems, high salary, attain respect and personal satisfication

Cons: The amount of years it takes to become a doctor, the responsibilities (sometimes a patients life is dependent on your judgement), working overtime, lawsuits and job related stress.

Education and Training

If I get accepted into university for life sciences I will have to do a four-year undergraduate program, spend four years in medical school then complete 3-7 years of residency training before I can get my medical license.


Career Studies

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