Growth Mindset
- Emirati student leadership
- Emirati Profile
- LAB representation
- Emirati Parent Group
- Arabic Liaison
GEMS Royal Dubai School
- Abundance
- Coaching
- Well-Being
- High Performance Learning
- Emirati Leadership
Areas lifted since the last inspection
- Arabic A/B
- Islamic Education
- Eng/Math Attainment
- Sci Progress**
- Islamic values, Emirati & world cultures
- Teaching
- Assessment
Real Life Learning
The Learning Wave
Links closely to
UAE Social Studies
and Moral Education
- Parent priority
- Entry and exit points
- Project based learning
- Authentic learning focus
- Community focus
What has been achieved since the last inspection?
- Understanding the work of Carol Dweck
- Learning to Learn focus
- Developing student agency
Concept Curriculum
- Enables students to make greater connections in their learning
- Evolved planning process allowing students greater input to their learning
- Mastery for all approach
- Timetable flexibility
- Teacher autonomy