What I learned in Drivers Ed
Rylee McGirt
safe driving systems, driving concepts, vision & physical laws
DrEd class, paperwork, & DMV license process
- Highway transportation system (HTS): a complex system designed to move people and things safely from one place to another.
- IPDE process: Identify, Predict, Decide, Execute.
- Driving concepts: Keep a 2-4 following distance, your main focus should be far in front of your vehicle while scanning for hazards, use your peripheral vision to stay in your lane and to check for hazards.
- Physical laws: inertia (objects at rest stay at rest and objects in motion stay in motion until acted on by an outside force, when going up a hill you will want to accelerate and while going down a hill you will want to take your foot off the gas because gravity will bring you down faster.
signs, signals, pavements markings & intersections
- The WRIT form
- DMV license process: You need to take the following tests: visions, traffic signs, driving knowledge, driving skills, and health requirements.
- School records signed by school official' including driver education certificate.
Distracted driving
- Signs: regulatory (black and white and sometimes red), work zone (orange with black writing), guide signs (blue, brown, miscellaneous)
- signals: arm bent up at 90 degrees (stop), arm straight out (left turn), arm bent down at 90 degrees (right turn)
- pavement markings: double yellow line (no crossing), white dotted line (can cross), double yellow line w/ right line dotted (right land can cross), double yellow line w/ left dotted line (left lane can cross), solid white line (going in same direction as everyone but cannot cross).
- intersections: non controlled intersection (carry through with caution), intersection with traffic lights (follow the lights), four sided stop (whoever gets there first, and then proceed to the right).