The Social Network
OB Group 3
The degree to which people have emotional control
High Neuroticism vs Low Neuroticism
- More self-confidence
- More self-control
- High self-esteem
- More effective in
interacting with others
- Tend toward self-doubt, depression
- Less controlled
- Prone to stress
- Anxious, impulsive
- More likely to suffer in any type of job performance
Locus of Control
Refers to their belief about the location of factors the control his or her behaviours
Mark is highly neurotic
Eduardo- High external control
Mark- High internal control
Self Efficacy
Mark's Leadership Style
General trait that refers to an individual's belief in his/hers abilities to perform successfully in a variety of challenging situations
1. Personality
2. Motivation
3. Leadership
Mark has High Self Efficacy
- Low consideration for relationships
- Weak social skills
- Task-orientated
- Low leader-member exchange
- High focus on achievement of goals
By: Andrew, Anthony, Brianna,
- Stems from his high IQ
- Very confident in his abilities
Sarah, Martina, Parry, Stanley
- Shows determination and persistence to develop "The Facebook"
Core Self-Evaluations of Personality
The degree to which a person has a positive self evaluation
Mark: Intrinsically Motivated
The extend to which
persistent effort is directed towards a goal
- Self-applied
- Interested in coding
- Current unmet needs
- Hold unfavourable self-image
- More susceptible to external & social influences
- Uncertain of the correctness of their behaviour
The influence that particular individuals exert on the goal achievement of others in an organizational context
- Holds favourable self image
- Less susceptible to external &
social influences
- More certain
of the correctness of their behaviour
Mark's Self Esteem
Emotional Intelligence
Sean Parker
- Needs to strengthen the 4-Branch Model of EI
General Cognitive Ability
Basic information-processing capacities
McClelland's Theory
Need for Achievement
- Set & accomplish a challenge
Outlines the conditions under which certain needs result in particular patterns of motivation
- Facebook creation = complex task
- Well-qualified based on skills
- Very high self-esteem
- Confident in his intelligence
- Demonstrates condescending behaviour
- Only realizes the negativity of his behaviour once it is pointed out
- Created obstacles
- Destroyed relationships
Transformational Leader
Need for Affiliation
Trait Theory
- Weak social skills
- Don't have may friends
Need for Power
Leadership depends on the personal qualities or traits of the leader
- Charismatic
- Inspirational Motivation
- Intellectual Stimulation
- Individualized Consideration
Participative Leadership Style
- Desire to have strong influence over people
- Desire for recognition
- High extroversion
- Emotional Intelligence
- Sharing Information
- Shared Decision-Making
“You don’t have to study
because you go to BU.”
"I got perfect on the SATs"
Mark: Effective Manager
Low n Aff, High n Pow
- Sacrifices relationships to pursue his goal
- Constantly surpassing his goals
- Desire for Recognition: Expand "The Facebook" to other schools
Mark in Facebook's first real office