How do these symbols connect?
- What is the overall message of the novel?
- What is it an allegorical reference to?
- Hint: Think about religion
How is this different from symbolism then?
- Transforms regular rocks into gold
- People would look at regular rocks and hope they could find the value in them
- Based upon this knowledge, what does Alchemy symbolize?
- The Englishman reads a lot of books but is not qualified to become an alchemist because, although he has knowledge, he does not have wisdom.
- Knowledge = understanding of facts
- Wisdom = understanding of what is around you
- Knowing this, what do books symbolize?
- Literally means “yes” and “no”
- Used to gain answers when Santiago is lost or confused
- They do not always give answers
- Force Santiago to make his own decisions
- Knowing this, what do Urim and Thummim symbolize?
Urim and Thummim
- Symbolism is when a SINGLE word, place, character, or object that means something beyond what it is on a literal level
- An allegory involves using many interconnected symbols or allegorical figures in such as way that in nearly every element of the narrative has a meaning beyond the literal level, i.e., everything in the narrative is a symbol that relates to other symbols within the story
- Meaning it connects all the symbols together for another meaning
- Harsh conditions
- Extreme heat
- Little water
- Silent
- Wasteland
- Despite all of this, life is present.
- Santiago must go through the desert to achieve his personal legend
- Knowing this, what does the desert represent?
- Recognizes Abram as being the one to follow therefore becomes first priest
- His lesson to the world is:
- Many “gods” compete for our attention but there is only one true God. He is worthy of our worship and obedience. If we keep our focus on God instead of frightening circumstances, God will strengthen and encourage us so we can live a life pleasing to him.
- In novel, tells of the “biggest lie”
- Fate prevents us from achieving our own personal legend
- Also tells Santiago that a personal legend comes from the Soul of the World
- Conspires to help us but fear and routine get in the way
- Knowing this, what does Melchizedek and the Soul of the World symbolize?
Books and Urim and Thummim
The Desert
Alchemy and The Desert
What is an Allegory?
- a story in which characters, settings and actions stand for something beyond themselves.
- In some types of allegories, the characters and setting represent abstract ideas of moral qualities
- In other types, characters and situations stand for historical figures and events
So, what is an example?
Two Levels of Meaning
Symbols in The Alchemist
The Oasis and Crystal
- If someone were to write a story about this snake convincing a woman to eat an apple, what would the literal story be?
- What could it be referring to on a symbolic level?
- one level for its literal or straightforward meaning
- second level for its symbolic, or allegorical, meaning
- often intended to teach a moral lesson or to make a comment about goodness and vice.
- Alchemy
- The Desert
- Oasis
- Crystal
- Books
- Urim and Thummim
- Melchizedek
The Oasis
- Beautiful place in the desert
- Where Fatima lives
- Gives him stability in the life of a wanderer
- Knowing this, what does the oasis symbolize?
- Helps fortune tellers to see things that would not otherwise be seen
- Aka “crystal clear”
- The crystal merchant's crystal is dirty and he has given up on his personal legend
- Knowing this, what does crystal symbolize?