Special Circumstances
Administrations should:
- have training
- experience
- understanding
- incidental observation
- multiple responses
- flexible administration
Scoring Form
Norm Scored References
1. Table A.1 find "scaled score" & write in motor box on record form
2. Table A.4 find "composite score" & write in motor box
3. Find percentile ranks/confidence intervals
1. Scaled Scores
2. Composite Scores
3. Percentile Ranks
4. Growth Scores
*confidence intervals (scales)
*developmental age equivalents (subtests)
Bayley Scales of Infant & Toddler Development
Third Edition
Dilyn Duffey & Vicki Dupont
Scoring Calculation
Items that met test criteria (score of 1)
+ unadministered items preceding the basal point
How To Use Results
How NOT To Use
- NOT for diagnosing specific nature of delay
- NOT for predicting intelligence/academic acheivement
- Caution in using Bayley-III outside typical age range
- Psychometric/practical limitations
- Instrument may assist with intervention planning
- Tool that indicates referral to a therapist
- Make recommendations for appropriate evaluation and intervention
- Results must be interpreted by a trained professional
- Purpose of Bayley-III
- General Administration Guidelines
- Age/Population of Bayley-III
- Scoring of Bayley-III
- Results Interpretation/Use of Bayley-III
- Closure/Question Period
- Prepare
- Administer
- Score/Complete Forms
- Interpret Results
Administration Video
- Reversal rules
- Discontinue rules
- Assess Environment
- Persons present
- Establishing and maintaining rapport
- Space
Test Forms
Ensure all materials included are present
- One Record Form (for all 3 subtests)
- One Questionnaire (for 2 scales)
- Color coded to differentiate subtests
- Subtests available for separate purchase
Test Materials not included:
Facial tissue
5 small coins
Food pellets (i.e. Cheerios)
3”x 5” unlined index cards and white paper
Safety scissors
Standard Stairs
Prep Forms
“The primary purpose of the Bayley-III is to identify infants and children with developmental delay and to provide information for intervention planning (Bayley, 2006, p.1).”
- Examiner fills out information in the upper right hand corner
- Examiner must calculate the Start Point age (basal point)
Subtests MUST be administered according to administration, scoring procedures, and testing conditions as outlined in the Bayley Administration Manual in order to obtain reliable and valid results (AERA et al., 1999).
50-90 minutes to complete
- Level Supine
- Elevated Supine
- Cradled
- Supported sitting
- Positioning Equipment
- Seated
- Social sitting
- Floor sitting
- Prone
- Standing
- Supported at shoulder
- Upright
Fine Motor Subtest
Record Form
Please open your Record Form to pg 25
- Start Points
- Items
- Materials
- Score Criteria and Comments
- Score
- Series/Timed Items (p. 26)
Treatment Planning
Use as a Tool
- Prehension
- Perceptual motor integration
- Motor planning
- Motor speed
- Visual tracking skills
- Reaching
- Object manipulation
- Grasping
- Functional hand skills
- Responses to tactile information
- Identify developmental delays within the 5 testing categories
- Intervention Planning
- Teaching Tool
- Clearly tells child’s strengths and weaknesses
- Research Tool
- Based off of the BSID-II
Atypical Behavior
Population Inclusion
Special Groups
- Social Interaction and Communication (eg. ASD)
- Attention Deficits (ADHD)
- Motor Difficulties
- Hearing Difficulties
- Vision Difficulties
- Down Syndrome
- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
- Pervasive Developmental Disorder
- Prematurity/Low Birth Weight
- Cerebral Palsy
- English native language
- Normal hearing/vision (with aid)
- No physical conditions, illnesses or impairments
- No diagnosis or history of seizures
- Not taking medication that would alter performance