What is plot?
The parts of a plot include the exposition, conflict, rising actions, climax, falling actions, resolution, and setting.
The exposition is the beginning of a plot (story) which the author uses to introduce the characters and the setting.
How is this an exposition?
Can you think of any other movie or book examples of exposition?
What is the conflict?
The conflict is the problem faced by the main character in the story.
Rising actions are events related to the conflict of a plot that move the characters towards the climax of a story. The events that happen before the climax.
How is this a rising action?
Can you think of any more examples of rising actions?
The climax of the story is the most exciting and suspenseful part.
How is this the climax of a story?
Can you think of other examples of plot climaxes?
What are falling actions?
Falling actions are events after the climax that lead towards a resolution.
How are these events falling actions?
The resolution is made up of those events which form the outcome of the climax. The end when all the problems are solved.
How is this the resolution of the story?
Can you think of resolutions to other plots?
Do all plots have resolutions?
The setting is the when and where of a plot.
How would you describe the when and where of the "Lion King" clips we've seen today?
The people, animals or creatures in the story.
How would you describe the main characters in the "Lion King?"
What are the parts of a plot?
The actions or events in the story
a life lesson learned from the story
What is a theme found in "The Lion King"?
Who are the main characters?
What is a climax?
What is setting?
What is a rising action?
What is the resolution?
What is the exposition?