Titoli was compose by Ennio Morricone for western films, usually used before a shoot off scene in the movie it has one of the most famous whistles invented. With a nice classical guitar played in the background for extra effect before other instruments are added.
Spaghetti western orchestra
This is a live cover of a song i previously showed and it has other western songs mixed into it.
Western games
World Music Elements in Western Music
Even games have western feels to them. This popular game
has a soundtrack that screams it`s a western game.
The masters call westeren music song
The second video is the first game to the first video and it has more than just a western feel to it
This trio called "The Terry Family" Show a nice example of a western song using an acoustic guitar for rhythm, electric for lead and double bass for bass.
The Lone Wanderer
Here is my first out of 12 songs for western music, and it`s called "The Lone Wanderer". It`s pretty basic at first starting out with acoustic guitar and a penny whistle making that western feel. Along with background noise to be joined by a flute before it all kicks in.
I relate this to Celtic music because they too like to use a penny whistle and it has simliar vibes.
The good, the bad and the ugly.
Here we have what a lot of people will reconize as western music. The theme to The Good, the Bad and the Ugly begins with a two-note melody sounding like the howl of a coyote.
Western mash up
On you tube there`s many western mash up`s. I cannot find out the name of the pieces played in this video but it is another good example of western music with it`s traditions.
Here`s a song that would be used as a theme song for western films.
It sounds very similar to the theme song "Indiana Jones"
But it has more of a western style feel to it than "Indiana" dose.
Btec unit 36!