Intentional Peer Support
Engaging Peers in their Recovery Journey
Tasks of Peer Support
- Defining characteristics of relationships
- What is meant by Intentional Peer Support?
- Role plays of Intentional Support
More on Worldveiw...
Thank You
First Contact and Language
- How have your assumptions about peer support changed since the start of class?
- How was the idea of "help" introduced to you?
- What assumptions might someone have if you said "I'm here to help" or "I provide help for people with mental illness"?
- How would you describe peer support to someone who knew nothing about it?
Task 1: Connection
Task 2: World view
Task 3: Mutuality
Task 4: Moving Towards
By the end of the module you should be able to:
1. Understand and explain what makes peer support different from other kinds of help
2. Understand the specific tasks of peer support
3. Discuss the notion of world view and it's relevance to "doing" peer support
What is Peer Support Anyway?
- It's about giving and receiving
- It's NOT based on psychiatric models
- We encourage one another to re-evaluate how we've come to know what we know
- Creating relationships that can be a tool for taking a bigger look at how we've learned to operate in the world.
Peer Support is also:
- Asks "what happened" (Trauma informed)
- Intentional: purposeful and where both grow