First Ladies
- Princeton University and Harvard Law School
- Sidley Austin
- University of Chicago: Service and Hospitals
2012 Senate Election
- University of Missouri for Undergraduate and Law School
- 33 years in the Public Sector
- 2nd term as a Senator
Todd Akin and "legitimate rape"
Pelosi's issues as Female House Speaker:
-Graduated from Trinity College
-First woman to lead a major political party in congress
-First woman elected as Speaker of the House
-Luke Russert incident
Nancy Pelosi
Claire McCaskill
House of Representatives
The Legislative Branch
Michelle Obama
Education: Stanford University (BA and Law School)
July 7, 1981 - Nominated to the Supreme Court by President Ronald Reagan
September 22, 1981 - Confirmed by the US Senate.
September 25, 1981 - Sworn in as the first female Supreme Court Justice of the United States.
1996 - Shaw v. Reno
1999 - Aurelia Davis v. Monroe County Bd. of Ed
2000 - Stenberg v. Carhart
December, 2000 - Bush v. Gore
Sandra Day O'Connor
Female Supreme Court Justices
The Executive Branch
The Judicial Branch
BA from Princeton University and JD Harvard Law School
the supervising editor of the Harvard Law Review.
March 19, 2009
Elena Kagan
Hillary Clinton
Gender Inequality
in Politics
By: Jessica Ryan, Alice Christenson, Megan Lopez, and Rachel Hammond
- Wellesley College and Yale Law School
- New York Senator from 2001 - 2009
- Secratary of State from 2009 - 2013