Should students who fail their classes repeat the grade?
By: Claire Rumsey
Attention Getter and Introduction
Identifying Unfulfilled Needs
(Writing the Needs) Video
Identifying Unfulfilled Needs
(Writing the Needs)
- Solution for Problem 1: Summer School can take the place of a student being retained eliminating social and emotional stresses.
- Solution for Problem 2: To prevent retention a parent can enlist their child in tutoring, make sure thier child does not suffer from academic challenges, and make absences minimal.
- Solution for Problem 3: To save money schools can put more effort into the school year to ensure students succeed.
- Problem 1: Students that are retained are suffering both socially and emotionally.
- Problem 2: Studies show that grade retention leads to higher drop out rates later in the students’ life.
- Problem 3: Retention is costly for the school district and taxpayers.
Satisfaction and Visualization Video
Action and Conclusion Video
Action for Solution #1: Seek out help from school administration
Action for Solution #2: A parent can make this solution happen by planning their child’s academic success.
- Research your school district to see what tutoring options they have
- Plan to get your child tested in school and outside of school if they are struggling
- Plan Absences
Action for Solution #3: Parents can make this solution happen by joining the PTA (Parent Teacher Association)
- You have FREE ideas to share
- Visualization of Solution #1: Imagine your kid getting a full education in summer school, and you having the knowledge that this happy child you see may have ended up completely different if you had decided to hold him back a year, the friends he is playing with after summer school will be the same friends he will be with the next year, and you did not have to take your child away from their friendships.
- Visualization of Solution #2: Imagine your child hard at work at the dinner table with a tutor and going to school everyday. You have made the tough decision to make your child stay in and catch up on school work, but you are installing in him a work ethic that could not have been there other wise, preventing him from having to be held back.
- Visualization of Solution #3: Think about this and visualize your child in a school system doing everything in its power to have support for your child after school tutoring sessions, one-on-one time in class and a district standing behind your child concerning themselves with your child's academic career. This is a school system your child could succeed in!