Tafsir of Surah Al-Kahf
- Arogance is bad
- It is a disliked charecteristic in Islam
- Shaytan was also arrogant
- you have to remeber it is not you who is great it is Allah (SWT)
- Wealth and money are very blinding
- You hsould not get caught up in this duniya for you lose the real sight of your end
- Money can make or break people
- change them
- Everything is a mercy and gift from Allah (SWT)
- nothing we have is from our own self
- everthing is a gift from Allah (SWT0
- he can take it away at any moment
- Tragedies can be blessings
- Thye can bring us closer to Allah (SWT)
- the poor man never got jealous of the neighbours wealth, in term of his gardens or his children
- he believed it was the qadr of Allah (SWT) for all he had
- one day the rich neighbiur woke up to find his gardens in ruins and the rivers and strems were sucked in
- he cried for all that he had lost
- after his gardens were wrecked his friends, children, even neighbours wanted nothing to do with him
- the story eneded with a warning from Allah (SWT) that on the final day all the protection, power, safety, authority and kingdom will be for Him
- no one else desreves to be worshipped besides Him
Story of Dhul-Qarnayn
Trial of Power
• Then once while conquering he reached where the sun meets the sea in the east
Same say it’s Asia, some say it’s Africa
• these people were savages who did not have proper manners or places to stay; they could not cover themselves properly
• then he travelled a bit more and got to two mountains in what could be Turkmenistan
• the people there asked him for help in creating a boundary between them and Gog and Magog because they were nothing but trouble
• Dhul Qarnayn helped in building a wall with iron blocks so that Gog Magog would stay our
• because he ruled with Allah (SWT)s authority he was a great leader who know how to handle tough situations
Dhul Qarnayn means the one with two horns
• He had great power, had everything possible a king could have
• The two horns was a reference to his power reaching ‘two horns’ of the sun; the east and the west
• Along with his power and riches he also had a great deal of knowledge
• He was an exemplar of a leader
He led with the fear of Allah (SWT) and made sure his people followed the rules of Allah (SWT) too
- the rich neighbour began to act too arrogant and frogot all about working in the of Allah (SWT)
- he used to give himslef all the credit
- This led his heart to harden and he began to think he was undefeatible, invincible and thathis garndens were eveything that he needed ever
- began to disbelieve in the Day of Judgement
- his poor neighbour tried to warn him and humble him, but he would not listen
Surah Al-Kahf
Musas' Journey
The Man of Two Gardens
Trial of Wealth
Trial of Knowledge
•once Mūsā was delivering a sermon; it was really good
• Some one came up to him and asked him if anyone in this world had more knowledge than him
• He said no
• He believed that Allah (SWT) had given him special and more powers because he was a Prophet (SWT)
• However then Allah (SWT) told Mūsā that there is no one in this world who knows everything, and there would be no one person who gets to know all the knowledge
• there will always be some one who knows more than the next person
- It is a Makki surah
- Al-Kahf means the Cave, referring to the story of the people of the cave
- It is the 18th surah in the Quran and it has 110 ayahs
- Contains 4 different stories with very important lessons
- Whoever recites Surat Al-Kahf on Friday, it will illuminate him with light from one Friday to the next.
- There were two neighbors
- there was one neighbour who was kind of poor
- gave a lot in the way of Allah (SWT)
- his work did not give him a lot of riches
- Then there was rhe rich neigbour had two garden filled with luscious grape trees and date palms
- with gorgoeus clear streams and rivers that kept his gardens watered
- took excessive pride in hs gardens
- used to tease his neighbour about his wealth over his poverty
- Never forget Allah (SWT)
- remeber that all that you have is beause of Him and no one else
- Keep doing good deeds
- even if you feel like there is no outcme, rember youdoing htme fro Allah (SWT) not yourself
- And agai that Allah (SWT) puts those he loves on trial
- trial are of way of Allah (SWT) to know how much we actuallly love him
- If we stay on the right path during harships we pass
- Mūsā asked to meet this man
- Allah (SWT) told him to take a fish into a water filled vessel
- and to follow it and he would find the man Fell asleep in the middle,
- the fish escaped
- Mūsā did not know till later
- Met al Khidr or the guide
- He let Mūsā accompany him when he asked but said before that he would not be patient enough because he does not know
• Mūsā said inshaAllah I will be patient
The People of the Cave
(Trial of Faith)
- Although the surah was revealed as an answer to the question of the people who doubted the Prophet (SAW)
- In the surah Allah (SWT) warns by addressing the people who asked about these stories as 'blasphemers'
- It is a sign fot the people and a harsh warning
- The Quraysh sent An-Nadr bin Al-Harith and `Uqbah bin Abi Mu`it to the Jewish rabbis in Madinah, and told them to ask the rabbis about Muhammad (SAW) and tell them about what he is preaching, adn what he says.
- The belived that because the rabbis were of the first book they knew better about the prophets than they would and wanted to know if he was the real deal
- So they asked the Jewish rabbis about the Messenger of Allah and they told him to ask him about three things:
- about some young men in ancient times, what was their story
- Ask him about a man who travelled a great deal and reached the east and the west of the earth, what was his story
- And ask him about the Ruh (soul or spirit)
- And If he told them about these things, then he is a Prophet, so they should follow him, but if he does not tell them, then he is a man who is making things up,
- so An-Nadr and `Uqbah left and came back to the Quraysh, and said to their people that they had a solution for this and all they had to do was ask three question
- So they went and asked the Prophet (SAW) about these three things and the PRophet (SAW) said he would tell them the next day
- 15 days passed and the Prophet (SAW) still did not get a revelation and people began to doubt him
- Then Jibril came to the Prophet and revealed Surah Al Kahf
- The people meantioned in the surah are from a town in now Turkey
- they whole land worshipped idols, even the king
- one day disciples of Isa (A.S) came to that town andegan preaching the message of the Prophet (SAW)
- He made aquaitnance with some youngsters (debated how many) and they converted
- When the king heard about this he was not happy\
- did not kill htme right away, gave them time to think about their mistakes and convert back
- However they found a cave and went to hide in it while a dog joined them (for protection)
- they made dua to Allah (SWT) to protect them, for they had no food, no drink and nothing to keep them safe
- then they all fell asleep, and (after 309 years) when they woke up they all began to discuss about estimatedley how much time had passed.
- Thye sent out one person to go try to get food and see how much time had passed
- be sneaky about it cause we dont want people finding out
- When the guy went to go buy food the currrency was around 300 years old and raised a flag
- By then a Muslim king was on throne
- they connected the dots and figured out these were the people from 300 years ago
- They went on a little while and then Khidr went and sunk their ship
- Musa then asked him why, and if he did it to kill the people on the ship
- Khidr said to him that he told him to have patience with him
- They continued on
- Until thye reached a young bou and Khidr killed him
- Musa again questioned Khidr about killing a young boy
- Khid again told him not to question him
- Musa said he would not do it after that
Why Should We Read It Every Friday?
- Hadith - "Whoever reads Surah al Kahf on the day of Jummah will have a light that will shine from him from one Friday to the next.” (al-Jaami)
- Some say the frist 10 some say last 10 “One who memorized the first ten verses of Surah al Kahf will be secure against the Dajjal (Anti-Christ).” (Muslim)
- Again do not be arogant
- Arrogance is something not appreciated in the eyes of Allah (SWT)
- Knowledge is not something to be proud of, it should be more humbling
- The more knowldge you have the more you should be humbled and spread this knowledge
- information does not equal knowledge
- There are always people who will have more knowledge and better unerstanding then you
- Never assume you are the best in a room
- For everyone has someone better than them
- thye came to a town nad asked for food the people would not give them
- There was a wall collapsing and Khidr built it
- Musa asked him why he did this without pay
- It was the end of their journey so Khidr explained to Musa why he did what he did
- Hole in the boat = the boat belonged to poor people and ahead the king was seizing peoples boats if it was damaged he wouldnt take it
- killing the boy = his parents were believers and he killed him so he would not lead them astray or oppress them
- rebuilding the wall = underneath the wall lay the fortune and riches of two orphans and if the towns people found out they would take it all
- Do not follow trends
- just because everyone is doing it, does not make it right
- Jannah tul 'Adn (lasting)
- Allah (SWT) outs those he loves through trials
- Because these people litened to the message and followed Allah (SWT)s orders with out hesitation, he loved them
- Have faith in Allah (SWT) and he will have mercy on you and protect you