Section 4: The Medial Caesura - The First Principles
- Any attention to dynamics is uncommon
- Causes drive collapse
- S following dynamically weak MC can compensate
Neighbor Motion
Hammer Blows
- Prolonging structural dominant
- V 6/4 - 5-6-5 + 3-4-3
- Sometimes supported by 1 in the bass making V-I-V
- Three is the most common
- First typically falls on strong beat
- Second/Third can sound an octave below the first
- Koch refers to this as "Nachschlag"
- Ascending octave leaps also possible
Reiterations of HC
Grand Pause
- Initiates piano of S
- Sometimes S starts on an upbeat which is during the GP
- After HC has been played
- goes through cadence several times
- re-approaching
- re-articulating
Medial Caesura
- Not to be confused with Musical Caesura
- Refers to any break in musical texture
- "The brief rhetorically reinforced break or gap that divides the exposition into two parts, tonic and dominant"
- Tonic and mediant in most minor key sonatas
- Not all half cadences indicate MC - MC needs to be reinforced through a certain set of conditions
After MC Texture
Approached Through Chromatically
Altered Predominant Harmony
- Sudden changes of texture usually occur after MC
- Usually combined with drop in dynamics
- Implies immediate emergence of S
- Loud S is possible as reaction to TR
Conditions May Apply
- #4
- Applied Chord
- V/V V7/V vii/V
- Augmented 6 Chord
- 4-#4-5 or 3-#4-5 in outer voices - Applied Chords
- flat 6-5 in bass - augmented chord
- Forte drive
- More conditions involved the more decisive the MC
- Not all these conditions are necessary to reinforce the MC
- Allegro - the larger the scale of the exposition, the more conditions needed
- Single condition HC caesura may sound strong in small scale exposition
Temporal (Proportional) Appropriateness
- Precise placement of MC in exposition
- Could occur between 15-70% of way through exposition
- Second Level Default: I:HC 15-45%
- First Level Default V:HC 25-50% (rarely 60%)
- Third Level Default V:PAC 50-70%
- Any caesura falling outside these boundaries are considered exceptional or not an MC