1. CBSA Mandate
The Agency is responsible for providing integrated border services that support national security and public safety priorities and facilitate the free flow of persons and goods, including animals and plants, that meet all requirements under the program legislation
Correctional Facilities for Foreign Nationals
Discuss some benefits of CBSA
- CBSA has Holding Centers all over Canada for immigration detention
- Also utilizes provincial jails and centers
- Each Port has its own holding cells and jail
- Foreign nationals who commit a crime inside of Canada will be prosecuted as any Canadian would be
- Serve time in appropriate facility, either Provincial or Federal depending on crime committed
- People who are inadmissible can be arrested and held at a facility
CBSA and Corrections
Learning Goals:
- CBSA works with all police forces and Correctional Services across Canada
- Inmates who are Foreign nationals (not a Canadian citizen) could be and most likely will be deported after their sentence
- People who are inadmissible could be arrested and deported
- CBSA carries out Warrants for peoples arrest on behalf of all agencies
- CBSA has their own holding cells and holding centers for Criminals
- Detained approx. 8800 people in 2010-2011, who were imprisoned for an average of 25 days
Some of the steps that will be taken are:
"Protection, Service, Integrity"
- To Protect Canada's Borders
- Control all people and goods to and from Canada
- Remove people who don't belong in the country
- Assure Criminals and convicts who are already in the country are removed before or after their sentence
- Enforces Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), Customs Act, and Criminal Code of Canada
- Developing an overall approach for future preclearance initiatives
- Establishing wait time service at the borders
- Upgrading infrastructures at certain ports to relieve congestion
- Developing and implementing administrative d operational improvements
- Promoting supply chain connectivity by harmonizing low-value shipment processes to expedite customs administration
- A window where importers can electronically submit all information to comply with customs and other government regulations
CBSA Action Plan
The CBSA has come up with an action plan to improve the freer flow of people, goods and services across the border for legitimate travel and trade. Steps that will benefit our economies. With this new measures will be taken to facilitate movement for business and investing.
Border Security
Thank you for listening
1. When did the CBSA establish?
2. What do the roles of CBSA focus on?
1. Description of CBSA
2. The CBSA’s benefit to Canadians
3. Facilitating Trade, Economic Growth and Jobs
- The Agency employs intelligence-gathering and information-sharing techniques with our domestic partners and international counterparts in order to protect Canadians from threats to public safety and health.
- The CBSA employs a program of responsible enforcement, and an effective sanctions regime that may be applied to persons and groups that contravene Canadian border laws. These deterrents promote compliance and provide a level playing field for all travellers and traders.
History of the CBSA
- Established in 2003
- Part of the Federal Government
- A part of the Public Safety
- Comprised from Customs Canada and Immigration Canada
CBSA is a federal agency that is responsible for border enforcement, immigration enforcement and customs services.
Heraldic Badge of the Canada Border Services Agency
The CBSA's benefit to Canadians
- Gives the CBSA the mandate to provide integrated border services that support national security and public safety priorities and facilitate the free flow of persons and goods, including animals and plants, that meet all requirements under the program legislation.
Canada Border Services Agency